Dog Names By Century >> 12th Century Dog Names

12th Century Dog Names

Updated: May 12, 2024

Welcome to our unique compilation of canine appellations inspired by an era steeped in history and rich in culture. This page is dedicated to those who have a profound appreciation for the medieval period, particularly the 12th century, and wish to name their beloved pets after figures, events, or even common names of that period.

The 12th century, a time of knights, castles, and great upheaval, was also a period when dogs were highly valued, serving as loyal companions, hunters, and protectors. The names from this era are filled with distinction and character, reflecting the valor, nobility, and charm of the time. This collection of monikers is not only historically accurate but also carries a certain timeless elegance that may suit your four-legged friend perfectly.

Whether you're a history enthusiast, an admirer of medieval culture, or simply seeking a unique and meaningful name for your new canine companion, this page offers a treasure trove of choices. From noble titles to artisan roles, from mythological creatures to popular names of the era, you'll find an array of options that will give your dog a name that is both distinctive and meaningful.

Name Reason to Choose
Abelard In remembrance of Peter Abelard, a medieval French scholastic philosopher
Adela For Adela of Normandy, a queen consort of France
Adelaide Adelaide of Maurienne was a queen of France in the 12th Century
Aethelred A common name among Anglo-Saxon royalty
Agnes After Agnes of Rome, a virgin martyr of the 12th century
Alaric It is a common name among Germanic tribes in the 12th century
Alberic Alberic of Trois-Fontaines was a chronicler in the 12th Century
Aldous Named after Aldous of Ostia, a 12th century saint
Alexius After Byzantine emperor Alexius I
Alfonso For Alfonso VII of León and Castile, a king of Spain
Amadeus Amadeus III of Geneva was a count in the 12th Century
Amaury Amaury of Montfort was a French nobleman in the 12th Century
Anselm For Anselm of Canterbury, a theologian and philosopher
Arnold Arnold of Brescia was a significant figure in the 12th Century
Baldwin After Baldwin III of Jerusalem, a king during the 12th century
Basil For Basil II, a Byzantine Emperor
Beatrix Beatrix of Swabia was a Holy Roman Empress in the 12th Century
Benedict This name is derived from Saint Benedict of Nursia, a significant figure in the 12th Century
Berengaria For Berengaria of Navarre, queen consort of England
Bernard For St. Bernard of Clairvaux, a French abbot
Bertha This was a popular female name in medieval Europe
Bertrand It's a reference to Bertrand de Born, a baron from France in the 12th Century
Blanche A popular name among French nobility in the 12th century
Bohemond For Bohemond I of Antioch, a leader of the First Crusade
Boniface Associated with Boniface of Montferrat, a leader of the Fourth Crusade in the 12th Century
Cadfael The name of a popular fictional medieval monk
Canute Canute VI was a king of Denmark in the 12th Century
Cecilia After Saint Cecilia, the patroness of music
Celestine Named after Pope Celestine III
Christina After Christina of Markyate, a 12th century anchoress
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12th Century Literature Dog Names

The 12th century was a time of great literature, especially in the emerging vernacular languages, and many dogs might have been named after literary characters or authors.
Name Description
Allegory A common technique used in 12th century literature
Arthur In reference to King Arthur, a popular figure in medieval literature
Avalon The mythical island from Arthurian legends
Ballad Refers to the narrative poems that were often sung
Chaucer Inspired by Geoffrey Chaucer, a prominent English author in the 12th century
Crusade Many stories and sagas were based on these Holy wars
Eleanor After Eleanor of Aquitaine, who was a patron of literature
Fable A popular storytelling format of the time
Gawain Named after Sir Gawain, a character in Arthurian legends
Goliard Known for their satirical Latin poetry
Guinevere The name of King Arthur's queen
Heiress Evocative of medieval romance novels
Isolde Inspired by the romantic tale of Tristan and Isolde
Lancelot A character from Arthurian literature, which was popular in the 12th century
Merlin The renowned wizard from Arthurian tales
Minstrel Refers to the musicians who often shared stories through song
Mystic Religious literature was often mystical in nature
Parchment The material on which most literature was written
Parzival The protagonist of a famous Arthurian romance
Quill The primary tool for writing in the middle ages
Scribe In tribute to the writers of the era
Scroll Commonly used to store and read literature
Sonnet A form of poetry that started to gain popularity during this time
Tristan Taken from the tragic romance of Tristan and Isolde
Troubadour Referring to the lyric poets of the era

12th Century Religious Dog Names

The 12th century was a time of great religious fervor, especially in Europe, and many dogs might have been named after saints or religious figures.
Name Description
Anselm Named after Saint Anselm of Canterbury, a significant theologian of the period
Benedict Inspired by Pope Benedict VIII, a significant religious figure during this period
Cistercian This dog name is derived from the Cistercian order, which flourished in the 12th century
Cluny Taken from the Cluny Abbey, a notable Benedictine monastery in the 12th century
Dominic In honor of Saint Dominic who was active in the religious community during the twelfth century
Francis After Saint Francis of Assisi, a revered saint from the 12th century
Gregory In honor of Pope Gregory IX, a pivotal religious figure of the era
Hildegard Inspired by Hildegard of Bingen, a famous Christian mystic and theologian
Innocent Named after Pope Innocent III, a significant Pope of the 12th century
Jerusalem This city was a key religious site during the Crusades in the 12th century
Kildare From the Cathedral of Kildare, an important religious site in the 12th century
Lourdes In honor of Our Lady of Lourdes, a significant religious apparition of the era
Martin After Saint Martin of Tours, a popular saint in this period
Norbert Inspired by Saint Norbert, a prominent religious figure of this era
Odo From Saint Odo, a revered religious figure in the 12th century
Peter After Saint Peter, one of the most significant apostles from this era
Quintin In honor of Saint Quintin, a popular saint during this period
Rome This city was the center of Christianity during the 12th century
Savoy From the House of Savoy, which was a significant promoter of Christianity during this period
Thomas Inspired by Saint Thomas Becket, a key religious figure of the 12th century
Urban In honor of Pope Urban II, who led the church during the First Crusade
Vitus From Saint Vitus, a revered saint during the 12th century
Waldensian This dog name is taken from the Waldensians, a Christian movement that was active in the 12th century
Xavier Inspired by Saint Francis Xavier, a significant religious figure of this era
York From the Archbishop of York, an important religious position during this period

12th Century Norse Dog Names

The 12th century was the latter part of the Viking Age, and Norse mythology and culture can provide a unique source of dog names.
Name Description
Astrid In Norse, it means 'divinely beautiful', often used for precious pets
Baldur In Norse mythology, Baldur is the god of light, joy, purity, and the summer sun
Bjorn Derived from Old Norse, it means 'bear', a common name for strong animals in the 12th century
Erik A common Norse name in the 12th century, means 'eternal ruler'
Fenrir A monstrous wolf in Norse mythology, suitable for a large, strong dog
Freyja Named after the Norse goddess of love, beauty and fertility
Frigga Named after the Norse goddess of love and destiny
Gunnar It's a Norse word that means 'brave and bold warrior', fitting for a fierce guard dog
Helga Old Norse word for 'holy' or 'sacred', usually for highly cherished pets
Hilda Means 'battle' in Old Norse, signifying a strong, brave dog
Huginn In Norse mythology, Huginn is one of Odin's ravens, signifying thought
Ingrid Derived from Old Norse, it signifies 'Ing is beautiful', ideal for a lovely pet
Ivar Old Norse name meaning 'bow warrior', perfect for a hunting dog
Leif A popular Norse name meaning 'heir' or 'descendant'
Magnus A name of Latin origin, but was popular among Norse royalty in the 12th century
Muninn In Norse mythology, Muninn is one of Odin's ravens, signifying memory
Njord Named after the Norse god associated with sea, seafaring, wind, and fertility
Odin A significant figure in Norse mythology, known as the god of wisdom and war
Ragnar Originates from Old Norse, meaning 'strong counsellor'
Sif In Norse mythology, Sif is a goddess associated with earth
Sigrid An Old Norse name meaning 'victory, wisdom, and beauty'
Skadi Named after the Norse goddess of winter and hunting
Tyr Named after the Norse god of law and heroic glory
Ulf It translates to 'wolf' in Old Norse, a good fit for a wolf-like dog
Ymir In Norse mythology, Ymir is the ancestor of all jötnar (giants)

12th Century Royal Dog Names

The 12th century had many famous monarchs and their dogs would have had names reflecting their royal status.
Name Description
Adelaide A popular name among European royalty in the 12th century
Alfonso Several Spanish monarchs during this period bore this name
Baldwin Often used in royal families of the 12th century, symbolizing brave and bold
Becket Archbishop Thomas Becket was a significant figure in the 12th century
Berengaria The name of Richard the Lionheart's wife, a key figure in the 12th century
Blanche Blanche of Castile was a popular queen of France during this period
Celestine Inspired by Pope Celestine III who led the Catholic Church during this period
Constance Constance of Sicily, a queen during this era, inspired this name
Eleanor Inspired by Eleanor of Aquitaine, a powerful 12th-century queen
Eustace This name was common in medieval Europe, making it fitting for a 12th-century dog
Geoffrey Several historical figures in the 12th century bore this name
Godfrey A popular name among Crusaders, those religious warriors would have named their dogs for good luck
Henry Henry was a common name among English royalty, including King Henry II
Hildegard Inspired by Hildegard of Bingen, a famed writer and composer of the 12th century
Hugo Many 12th-century knights and noblemen were named Hugo
Isabella Isabella of Hainault was a queen of France during the 12th century
Louis Louis VII was a French king in the 12th century, hence a suitable dog name
Marguerite The name of French queens and other nobles in the 12th century
Matilda Named after Matilda of England, a prominent figure in the 12th century
Philippa A feminine name popular among European nobility in the 12th century
Plantagenet This name was used for the royal house of England in the 12th century
Roderick Rodrigo Diaz, also known as El Cid, was a famed Spanish knight of this era
Saladin Named for the renowned Muslim military leader of the 12th century
Sigurd Sigurd I was a Norwegian king in the 12th century
Thomas Saint Thomas Becket was a prominent religious figure of the 12th century

Medieval European Dog Names

During the 12th century, Europe was in the High Middle Ages, which is often associated with knights and castles. Many of these names are still used today.
Name Description
Agravain A Knight of the Round Table in Arthurian legend
Arthur Inspired by King Arthur, a legendary British leader
Avalon An island paradise of Arthurian legend
Bors One of the knights who succeeded in the quest for the Holy Grail
Bran A Celtic god often depicted with a raven, common in 12th-century folklore
Elaine Often associated with characters from Arthurian legend
Eleanor Eleanor of Aquitaine was a powerful figure during this era
Galahad A knight of King Arthur's Round Table
Gareth A knight of the Round Table in Arthurian legend
Gawain An Arthurian knight known for his chivalry and bravery
Geraint A figure from Welsh folklore and Arthurian legend
Guinevere Named after King Arthur's queen
Igraine Mother of King Arthur in Arthurian legend
Isolde Tristan’s lover in medieval romantic literature
Lancelot A prominent character in Arthurian literature
Merlin A legendary figure best known as an enchanter or wizard
Mordred A notorious traitor in Arthurian legend
Morgana Named after a powerful enchantress in the Arthurian legend
Owain A character from Arthurian legend, known as one of the Knights of the Round Table
Pendragon The surname of King Arthur, a symbol of leadership and power
Perceval A knight who was involved in the quest for the Holy Grail
Ragnelle A character from the Arthurian legend 'The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle'
Roland A Frankish military leader under Charlemagne who became a major figure in medieval literature
Rowan A name common in England during the 12th century
Tristan Derived from a Celtic name, made famous by the tragic hero of a medieval tale
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