Dog Names By Decade >> 1640s Dog Names

1640s Dog Names

Updated: July 09, 2024

Welcome to a unique collection of canine appellations that hark back to an era of rich history and evolution. This is a special page dedicated to enthusiasts seeking inspiration from a time when the world was transitioning from medieval to modern - the 1640s. Each moniker listed here is inspired by the societal norms, trends, and influences of the 17th century. This is a remarkable journey to explore the connection between our four-legged companions and the past.

During the 1640s, names for pets were deeply rooted in literature, mythology, and the socio-political landscape. As you browse through these names, you will discover a charming blend of traditional and unconventional labels that were popular during this era. This was a time when pet naming was significantly influenced by factors like a dog’s personality, breed, or role in the family or society. Whether you're a history buff, a lover of classic literature, or simply looking for a unique name for your pet, you'll find plenty of inspiration here.

Be prepared to embark on a historical journey, unearthing names that have stood the test of time. Every name on this page resonates with a sense of nostalgia and a touch of antiquity, taking you back to an era that's often forgotten in the hustle and bustle of modern life. So, dive in, and let the charm of the 1640s inspire an unforgettable name for your beloved canine companion.

Name Reason to Choose
Aldrich Named after Saint Aldrich, a popular figure during the 1640s
Anchor Reflecting the importance of naval exploration in the 17th century
Austen Jane Austen, a famous novelist, was a key figure in this era
Bacon Francis Bacon, a renowned philosopher, was a key figure in this era
Bartholomew Popular male name in the 1600s, often used for pets
Berkeley George Berkeley, a renowned philosopher, was a key figure in this era
Bertrand This was a common name in Europe in the 1640s
Bishop Religion played a big role during this period
Blake William Blake, a famous poet and painter, was a key figure in this era
Bonny Inspired by the popular name Bonnie, which originated in the 17th century
Boswell A tribute to the well-known diarist James Boswell
Bronte The Brontë sisters, famous novelists, were key figures in this era
Browning Robert Browning, a famous poet, was a key figure in this era
Byron Lord Byron, a famous poet, was a key figure in this era
Cecil Common male name during the 17th century, also popular for pets
Charles Charles I was the king of England during this time
Chaucer Named after the famous poet and author Geoffrey Chaucer
Clarendon Named after Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon, a prominent figure in English politics during this era
Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge, a famous poet, was a key figure in this era
Copper Copper was a common material used in the 1640s
Cromwell This is in reference to Oliver Cromwell, who was a key figure in English politics during this era
Dante Named after the famous Italian poet
Defoe Inspired by the famous author Daniel Defoe
Descartes René Descartes, a famous philosopher, was a key figure in this era
Dickens Charles Dickens, a famous novelist, was a key figure in this era
Diderot Denis Diderot, a famous writer and philosopher, was a key figure in this era
Dove Symbol of peace and a common pet name in the 1600s
Drake Sir Francis Drake, a renowned explorer, was well-known during this time
Dutch Reflects the influence of the Dutch on English society in the 17th century
Egbert Old English name that was common during the 1600s
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1640s Scientist Dog Names

The 1640s was a time of scientific discovery and progress. Naming a dog after a scientist from this period can indicate a love for learning and knowledge.
Name Description
Bacon Inspired by Roger Bacon, a philosopher who is also considered one of the earliest advocates of the scientific method
Barrow Isaac Barrow, a mathematician who was instrumental in the development of calculus, inspires this name
Boyle In homage to Robert Boyle, a founder of modern chemistry
Brahe Named after Tycho Brahe, an astronomer who made comprehensive astronomical observations
Cassini From Giovanni Cassini, an influential astronomer during the 1640s
Descartes René Descartes, a philosopher and scientist with significant influence in the 1640s
Fermat This name honors Pierre de Fermat, a notable mathematician in the 1640s
Flamsteed Named after John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal, who catalogued over 3000 stars
Galileo From Galileo Galilei, a renowned scientist who made significant contributions to the scientific revolution in the 1640s
Gassendi Inspired by Pierre Gassendi, who made significant strides in astronomy
Halley Edmond Halley, the astronomer who discovered Halley's Comet, inspires this name
Harvey Inspired by William Harvey, who made significant strides in understanding the circulatory system
Hobbes This name pays tribute to Thomas Hobbes, a philosopher who contributed to a variety of sciences
Hooke Named after Robert Hooke, a pioneer in microscopy during the 1640s
Huygens Christiaan Huygens, a leading scientist and mathematician of the time
Kepler Johannes Kepler, a key figure in the 17th century scientific revolution, lends his name to this dog
Kircher This name honors Athanasius Kircher, a polymath who made contributions to numerous fields of study
Leibniz From Gottfried Leibniz, a pioneering mathematician and philosopher
Mersenne In honor of Marin Mersenne, a mathematician and philosopher who made key contributions to number theory
Newton Inspired by Sir Isaac Newton, a prominent scientist during the 1640s
Pascal Blaise Pascal, a prominent mathematician and physicist during this era, gives his name to this dog
Riccioli From Giovanni Riccioli, an astronomer who made several significant discoveries in the field
Roemer From Ole Roemer, who first successfully measured the speed of light
Torricelli Named after Evangelista Torricelli, a physicist and mathematician known for inventing the barometer
Wallis Named after John Wallis, a notable mathematician who made significant contributions to calculus

1640s Literature-inspired Dog Names

The 1640s had a wealth of literature and literary figures. Choosing a dog name inspired by these can show an appreciation for the written word.
Name Description
Ariel The spirit who serves Prospero in the play 'The Tempest', written by John Dryden and William D'Avenant
Astrea The title of Aphra Behn's play 'The Emperor of the Moon', a character named Astrea appears
Beelzebub A character in 'Paradise Lost' who debates with Satan
Behn To honor Aphra Behn, one of the first English women to earn her living by her writing
Belial A fallen angel in 'Paradise Lost'
Blake A tribute to William Blake, who was profoundly influenced by Milton's works
Bunyan An ode to John Bunyan, a prominent writer and preacher in the 1640s
Celia A character from Herrick's poem 'To Celia'
Chaos Represents the void state preceding the creation of the universe in 'Paradise Lost'
Clarinda A character from Aphra Behn's 'The Lucky Chance'
Davenant In honor of William D'Avenant, an English poet and playwright
Donne A nod to John Donne, a significant figure in metaphysical poetry
Dryden For John Dryden, an influential English poet, literary critic, translator, and playwright
Eve One of the main characters in 'Paradise Lost'
Hell A notable setting in 'Paradise Lost'
Herrick Derives from Robert Herrick, an English lyric poet and cleric
Marvel Named after Andrew Marvell, a famous English metaphysical poet
Milton Inspired by John Milton, the famous 17th century poet and author
Orion A character in John Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
Paradise After John Milton's epic poem 'Paradise Lost'
Pilgrim From 'Pilgrim's Progress', a famous work by John Bunyan
Rochester Inspired by John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, an infamous poet of the Restoration period
Rover Taken from Aphra Behn's play of the same name
Sapho An homage to Aphra Behn's play 'The Rover', which includes a character named Sapho
Satan The main antagonist in 'Paradise Lost'

1640s Artist Dog Names

The 1640s was a period rich in art and culture. Naming a dog after a renowned artist from this era can be unique and culturally significant.
Name Description
Baroque A nod to the prominent art style of the 1640s
Brouwer Named for Adriaen Brouwer, a Flemish painter
Claesz In honor of Pieter Claesz, a Dutch Golden Age painter
Cuyp A nod to Aelbert Cuyp, a Dutch painter from the Golden Age
Dyck A tribute to Anthony van Dyck, a Flemish Baroque artist
Fabritius Named for Carel Fabritius, a Dutch painter
Guercino Derived from Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, known as Guercino, an Italian Baroque painter
Hals For Frans Hals, a Dutch Golden Age painter
Hobbema Derived from Meindert Hobbema, a Dutch Golden Age painter
Jordaens A nod to Jacob Jordaens, a Flemish painter
Lely After Sir Peter Lely, a painter in the court of England
Metsu This name is for Gabriel Metsu, a Dutch painter
Murillo Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, a Spanish Baroque painter, is the inspiration
Poussin This name is a tribute to Nicolas Poussin, a leading painter in the classical French Baroque style
Rembrandt Named after Rembrandt van Rijn, a famous Dutch painter and etcher
Reni This name honors Guido Reni, an Italian painter of high-Baroque style
Rubens Honors Peter Paul Rubens, a prolific seventeenth-century Flemish Baroque painter
Ruisdael Jacob van Ruisdael, a Dutch painter, is the inspiration
Steen This name is for Jan Steen, a Dutch genre painter of the 17th century
Terbrugghen After Hendrick Terbrugghen, a Dutch painter
Vanitas States a common theme in 1640s art, the transience of earthly pleasures
Velazquez Named for Diego Velazquez, a leading artist in the court of King Philip IV
Vermeer Johannes Vermeer, a Dutch Baroque Period painter, inspires this name
Vouet In tribute to Simon Vouet, a French painter and draftsman
Zurbaran Recognizes Francisco de Zurbaran, a Spanish painter

1640s Explorer Dog Names

Naming dogs after famous explorers of the 1640s can be a fun homage to the adventurous spirit of these historical figures.
Name Description
Amundsen After Roald Amundsen, the Norwegian explorer
Balboa After Vasco Núñez de Balboa, the Spanish explorer
Cabot John Cabot, the Italian explorer, served as the inspiration
Cartier After Jacques Cartier, the French explorer
Champlain Samuel de Champlain, the French explorer, is the namesake
Columbus Named after Christopher Columbus, the famous explorer
Cook Carries the name of James Cook, the British explorer
Cortes Takes its name from Hernán Cortés, the Spanish conquistador
DaGama Vasco da Gama, the Portuguese explorer, lends his name here
Drake Carries the name of English explorer Sir Francis Drake
Henson Matthew Henson, the American explorer, served as the inspiration
Hillary After Sir Edmund Hillary, the New Zealand mountaineer and explorer
Hudson Named for Henry Hudson, the English sea explorer
Leif Named for Leif Erikson, the Norse explorer
Livingstone David Livingstone, the Scottish explorer, lends his name here
Magellan Inspired by Ferdinand Magellan, the Portuguese explorer
Nansen Fridtjof Nansen, the Norwegian explorer, is the namesake
Norgay Tenzing Norgay, the Nepalese Sherpa mountaineer, lends his name here
Peary Robert Peary, the American explorer, serves as the inspiration
Pizarro Named to honor Francisco Pizarro, the Spanish conquistador
Polo Named to honor Marco Polo, the Italian explorer
Shackleton After Ernest Shackleton, the British explorer
Stanley Carries the name of Henry Morton Stanley, the Welsh-American explorer
Tasman Abel Tasman, Dutch explorer, lends his name here
Vespucci Derived from Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian explorer

1640s Monarch Dog Names

Naming dogs after famous monarchs of the 1640s can be a nod to history, giving the pet a regal and dignified aura.
Name Description
Anne A nod to Anne of Austria, a queen of France in the 1640s
Casimir Inspired by John II Casimir, a Polish king in the late 1640s
Catherine Taken from Catherine of Braganza, a Portuguese princess in the 1640s
Charles Refers to King Charles I who reigned England in the 1640s
Christian Refers to Christian IV, a Danish monarch in the early 1640s
Christina A tribute to Queen Christina of Sweden, a reigning queen in the 1640s
Elisabeth A nod to Elisabeth of France, a queen consort of Spain in the 1640s
Ferdinand Named after Ferdinand III, a prominent Holy Roman Emperor in the 1640s
Frederick Inspired by Frederick III, a Danish king in the 1640s
Gaston Refers to Gaston, Duke of Orléans, a French prince in the 1640s
Henrietta A nod to Henrietta Maria of France, a queen consort of England in the 1640s
Isabella Taken from Isabella Clara Eugenia, a Spanish Infanta during the 1640s
James A tribute to James I of England, a king in the early 1640s
Leopold Inspired by Leopold I, who would later become Holy Roman Emperor after the 1640s
Louise Taken from Louise de La Vallière, a French noblewoman in the 1640s
Maria A tribute to Maria Leopoldine of Austria, Holy Roman Empress during the mid-1640s
Marie Taken from Marie de' Medici, a queen consort of France in the early 1640s
Maurice Refers to Maurice, Prince of Orange, a Dutch stadtholder during the early 1640s
Oliver Inspired by Oliver Cromwell, a political leader in England during the 1640s
Philip Inspired by Philip IV, a Spanish monarch during the 1640s
Sigismund Refers to Sigismund III Vasa, a Polish king in the early 1640s
Sophia A tribute to Sophia of Hanover, who was born in the 1640s and later became the heir to the English throne
Theodore Inspired by Theodore I, a Corsican monarch in the mid-1640s
Victoria Taken from Victoria of England, a future monarch born shortly after the 1640s
Wilhelm Refers to Wilhelm II, Prince of Orange, a Dutch stadtholder in the 1640s
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