Dog Names By Decade >> 1900s Dog Names

1900s Dog Names - Page 2

Updated: May 11, 2024

Welcome to a delightful journey back in time, where we explore the unique and charming names bestowed upon our furry friends in the early part of the 20th century. This era, known for its significant changes in technology, culture, and society, also brought about a fascinating trend in pet naming. This page is dedicated to those distinct names that were popular among dog owners during this historic period.

Within this collection, you'll discover a diverse array of names that echo the spirit of the era. From monikers inspired by notable figures to those influenced by popular culture and emerging trends, each name holds a tale of the past. These names, steeped in history, possess a vintage charm that is both endearing and timeless. Whether you're looking for a unique name for your new furry friend or just interested in pet naming trends from the past, this page offers a captivating insight into the world of canine names from the early 20th century.

So, let's step back in time and explore the charming world of dog names from a bygone era. You might just find that these vintage names offer a blend of uniqueness and nostalgia that perfectly captures the essence of your beloved pet.

Name Reason to Choose
Daisy A popular feminine dog name, named after the flower
Dali Salvador Dali was a noted surrealist artist
Doris Doris Day, a famous actress and singer of the 1900s, inspired this name
Duke This was a popular male dog name related to nobility
Dusty Common name for dogs with a light brown or grey fur
Dylan Bob Dylan was a famous singer-songwriter
Edgar Edgar Allan Poe was a famous writer in the 1900s
Edison Thomas Edison was a famous inventor
Einstein Albert Einstein was a renowned physicist
Eleanor After Eleanor Roosevelt, a key figure in the 1900s
Ella Ella Fitzgerald was a famous singer
Elmer Elmer Rice, a significant playwright of the 1900s, inspired this name
Elsie Elsie was a popular female name in the early 1900s
Ernest Named after Ernest Hemingway, a famous author of the 1900s
Ethel Ethel was a common name during the 1900s
Evelyn Evelyn was a popular name for girls in the 1900s
Fido This name gained popularity after Abraham Lincoln named his dog Fido
Fitz Inspired by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald F. Scott Fitzgerald was a renowned author
Floyd Floyd was a common male name in the early 1900s
Fluffy Popular for dogs with long or fluffy fur
Ford Henry Ford was a renowned businessman and car manufacturer
Frances Frances Perkins was a notable Secretary of Labor in the 1900s
Gable Clark Gable was a famous actor in this era
Garbo Greta Garbo, a Swedish actress, was highly popular
Gene Gene Autry, a popular actor and singer of the 1900s, inspired this name
Gershwin George Gershwin was a well-celebrated composer of the time
Ginger A common name for dogs with reddish fur
Glenn Inspired by Glenn Miller, a famous musician in the 1900s
Goldie Given to golden or yellow-furred dogs
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Historical Events

The 1900s was a century filled with significant historical events. Naming dogs after these events can be a unique and meaningful way to remember these moments in time.
Name Description
Apollo After the successful Moon landing mission
Armistice Commemorates the end of World War I in 1918
Atom Marks the development and deployment of atomic bombs
Babyboom For the post-WWII birth rate spike
Beatnik Refers to the Beat Generation of the 1950s
Berlin Signifies the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989
Blitz Refers to the WWII bombing of Britain by Germany
Chernobyl Marks the devastating nuclear disaster in 1986
Coldwar For the tension-filled decades between USA and USSR
D-Day In memory of the Normandy landings on June 6, 1944
Depression Echoes the Great Depression of the 1930s
Dustbowl Named after the severe dust storms during the 1930s
Gagarin For the first man in space in 1961
Hiroshima Marks the city devastated by atomic bombing in 1945
Holocaust A somber reminder of the WWII genocide
Moonshot Celebrates the first lunar landing in 1969
Prohibition For the period of alcohol ban in the 1920s
Roswell For the reported 1947 UFO incident in New Mexico
Solidarity In honor of the Polish labor movement
Sputnik After the first artificial satellite in space
Suffrage Celebrating women's voting rights, achieved in 1920
Tiananmen A reference to the 1989 pro-democracy protest in China
Titanic After the famous ship that sunk in 1912
Watergate Named after the 1972 political scandal
Woodstock In memory of the legendary 1969 music festival

Art and Culture

The 1900s was a vibrant time for art and culture. Naming dogs after famous artists, works of art, or cultural icons can be a creative and sophisticated choice.
Name Description
Armstrong Tribute to Louis Armstrong, a jazz musician who was influential in the 1900s
Bauhaus A nod to the influential German art school of the 20th century
Cezanne Inspired by Paul Cezanne, a French artist and Post-Impressionist painter
Chaplin A nod to Charlie Chaplin, a silent film icon
Dali In honor of Salvador Dali, a renowned surrealist artist
Duchamp Named after Marcel Duchamp, a significant figure in the Dada and Surrealist movements
Edison Reference to Thomas Edison, a significant inventor of the 1900s
Ellington Named after Duke Ellington, a jazz legend of the 20th century
Ellis Reference to Ellis Island, the gateway for millions of immigrants to the United States
Fitzgerald From F. Scott Fitzgerald, the author of 'The Great Gatsby'
Gatsby From the iconic novel 'The Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Gaudi Inspired by Antoni Gaudi, the renowned architect of Sagrada Familia
Hemingway Inspired by Ernest Hemingway, a prominent author of the 1900s
Hitchcock Giving a nod to Alfred Hitchcock, a famous director in the 20th century
Houdini Paying homage to Harry Houdini, a popular illusionist and stunt performer
Kandinsky After Wassily Kandinsky, an influential Russian painter and art theorist
Kerouac Named after Jack Kerouac, a key figure in the Beat Generation
Matisse In honor of Henri Matisse, a leading figure in modern art
Monet Taken from Claude Monet, a revered French impressionist painter
Orwell In honor of George Orwell, a prominent author known for his works in the 1900s
Picasso Derived from the famous painter, Pablo Picasso, who had a significant influence in the early 20th century
Renoir Inspired by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, a famous French artist
Steinbeck Named after John Steinbeck, a prolific author of the 20th century
VanGogh Taken from Vincent Van Gogh, a prominent post-impressionist painter
Wright Tribute to Frank Lloyd Wright, a prominent American architect

Cinema and Music Stars

The 1900s was the birth of many cinema and music stars. These names can be unique and meaningful, reflecting the dog owner's taste and preferences.
Name Description
Armstrong Jazz musician Louis Armstrong is the origin for this name
Astaire Fred Astaire, a popular actor and dancer, is the inspiration for this name
Bacall Lauren Bacall, a famous actress, is the inspiration behind this name
Bogart Named after Humphrey Bogart, a leading man in Hollywood in the 1940s
Brando Named after Marlon Brando, a famous actor
Cagney James Cagney, a renowned actor, is the inspiration for this name
Chaplin Inspired by the silent film star Charlie Chaplin
Crosby Bing Crosby, a popular singer and actor, is the inspiration for this name
Davis Bette Davis, a famous actress, inspired this name
Ellington Duke Ellington, a jazz pianist and composer, is the inspiration behind this name
Fitzgerald Ella Fitzgerald, a renowned jazz singer, inspired this name
Gable Clark Gable, a popular actor, is the inspiration behind this name
Garbo This name pays homage to Greta Garbo, a silent film star
Gershwin George Gershwin, a famous composer, is the origin for this name
Harlow Jean Harlow, a famous actress, is the inspiration behind this name
Hepburn This name pays homage to Katharine Hepburn, an iconic actress
Hitchcock Alfred Hitchcock, a famous director, is the inspiration for this name
Holiday Billie Holiday, a prominent jazz musician, is the inspiration for this name
Jolson Al Jolson, a famous actor and singer, inspired this name
Lennon This name pays homage to John Lennon, a member of the Beatles
Mancini Henry Mancini, a renowned composer, is the origin for this name
Monroe This name is a tribute to Marilyn Monroe, an iconic actress
Presley Named after the King of Rock 'n Roll, Elvis Presley
Sinatra Frank Sinatra, a popular singer and actor, is the inspiration for this name
Valentino Rudolph Valentino, a silent film star, is the origin for this name

Popular Literature

The 1900s was a period of rich literature. Many dog owners may choose to name their pets after their favorite characters or authors from this era.
Name Description
Ahab Captain Ahab is a character from 'Moby Dick' by Herman Melville
Becky Becky Sharp, a character from William Makepeace Thackeray's 'Vanity Fair'
Chuzzlewit From the character Martin Chuzzlewit in Dickens' novel of the same name
DArtagnan From Alexandre Dumas' novel 'The Three Musketeers'
Dorian From Oscar Wilde's novel 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'
Gulliver From Jonathan Swift's novel 'Gulliver's Travels'
Hawthorne Inspired by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author of 'The Scarlet Letter'
Heathcliff A character in Emily Bronte's 'Wuthering Heights'
Huckleberry Inspired by the character Huckleberry Finn from Mark Twain's novel
Hyde The alter ego of Dr. Jekyll in Stevenson's famous novel
Ichabod From the character Ichabod Crane in Washington Irving's 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow'
Jekyll From Robert Louis Stevenson's novel 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'
Kurtz A character from Joseph Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness'
Marlow The narrator in Joseph Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness'
Moby From Herman Melville's novel 'Moby Dick'
Nemo From Jules Verne's '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea'
Phileas Phileas Fogg is the protagonist in Jules Verne's 'Around the World in 80 Days'
Pip The protagonist in Charles Dickens' 'Great Expectations'
Porthos One of the Three Musketeers in Dumas' novel
Queequeg A character in 'Moby Dick' by Herman Melville
Quixote The protagonist in Miguel de Cervantes' novel 'Don Quixote'
Rip Inspired by Washington Irving's story 'Rip Van Winkle'
Scrooge From Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol', a symbol of transformation
Sherlock After the astute detective Sherlock Holmes created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Watson Named after Dr. John Watson, the loyal sidekick in the Sherlock Holmes series

Historical Figures

Naming dogs after famous historical figures from the 1900s is a great way to pay tribute to these individuals and their contributions.
Name Description
Bell From Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone
Capone Named after Al Capone, the notorious American gangster
Carnegie From Andrew Carnegie, the Scottish-American industrialist and philanthropist
Churchill Named after Winston Churchill, the well-known British prime minister
Curie Named after Marie Curie, the physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity
Edison Takes its name from Thomas Edison, the inventor of the practical electric light bulb
Einstein Inspired by Albert Einstein, the theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity
Fleming From Alexander Fleming, the biologist who discovered penicillin
Ford From Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company
Freud Inspired by Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis
Gandhi Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of Indian nationalism against British rule
Hemingway Named after Ernest Hemingway, the noted American author
Hitler Inspired by Adolf Hitler, the dictator of Nazi Germany
Lenin Inspired by Vladimir Lenin, the Russian revolutionary
Lindbergh Inspired by Charles Lindbergh, famous for making the first solo transatlantic airplane flight
Marconi Named after Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of the radio
Morgan Named after J.P. Morgan, the influential banker and financier
Mussolini Inspired by Benito Mussolini, the Italian dictator
Orwell From George Orwell, the author of '1984' and 'Animal Farm'
Picasso Takes its origin from Pablo Picasso, the renowned Spanish painter
Rockefeller Inspired by John D. Rockefeller, the American business magnate
Roosevelt Derived from Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States
Stalin From Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union
Tesla Named after Nikola Tesla, known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current
Wright Named after the Wright brothers, inventors, and aviation pioneers
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