Dog Names By Century >> 7th Century Dog Names

7th Century Dog Names - Page 2

Updated: June 08, 2024

Welcome to a unique collection of pet monikers, deeply rooted in history, and specifically tailored for our canine companions. This specially created page is dedicated to dog names that date back to a time that was profoundly different from ours, reflecting the rich cultural milieu of the 7th Century. If you're a history enthusiast or simply want your pet's name to carry a tale as old as time, you have come to the right place.

Drawing from various cultures and regions that shaped the 7th Century world, these dog names represent languages that may no longer be spoken, civilizations that have transformed over the centuries, and traditions that have evolved over time. Each name carries a story, a meaning, and a part of history that will make your furry friend's identity all the more special. This collection will not only set your pet apart but also pay homage to a bygone era in a unique and personal way.

So, embark on this exciting journey back in time and discover a treasure trove of names that have stood the test of time. Whether you're seeking a name that reflects strength, loyalty, courage, or simply an ancient charm, this compilation of names from the 7th Century will provide an array of choices. Let your furry friend carry a piece of history with a name that's as unique as they are.

Name Reason to Choose
Felix From Pope Felix, a 7th Century religious leader
Frida It's a Germanic name meaning 'peace', common in the 7th-century Europe
Fridolin Derived from an old Germanic name, it was used in the 7th century
Frithegild A Germanic name meaning 'peaceful servant', used in 7th-century Europe
Frodo Derived from an old Germanic name, it was used in the 7th century
Gertrude Named after Saint Gertrude, a 7th-century abbess of Nivelles
Gisela This name is of Germanic origin, common during the 7th century
Godhelm This Anglo-Saxon name meaning 'God-helmet', was common in 7th-century England
Godric This Anglo-Saxon name, meaning 'God-ruler', was used in 7th-century England
Gregory Inspired by Pope Gregory II of the 7th Century
Gunthram The name of a 7th Century Frankish King
Hartwig An Old German name that was prevalent during the 7th century
Hengist Named after Hengist, a significant figure in 7th-century England
Heraclius After a Byzantine Emperor from the 7th Century
Hilda St. Hilda was an influential figure in 7th-century England, hence the name's popularity
Hildebrand This old Germanic name was popular during the 7th century
Honorius From Pope Honorius I of the 7th Century
Ida This name was used in various forms throughout Europe during the 7th century
Ine This name is from an Anglo-Saxon King of the 7th Century
Ingfrith This Old Norse name meaning 'beautiful', was used in 7th-century Scandinavia
Ingram This Germanic name meaning 'angel-raven' was used in 7th-century Europe
Ingund This name of Germanic origin was common during the 7th century
Irene A popular female name in the Byzantine Empire in the 7th Century
Jarl Derived from a Norse title, it was used as a name during the 7th century
John Inspired by Pope John V of the 7th Century
Judith Named after St. Judith, a revered figure in 7th-century Europe
Judoc Inspired by Saint Judoc, a 7th-century saint from Brittany
Justinian Inspired by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian II
Jutte An Old Norse name meaning 'jewel', used in 7th-century Scandinavia
Kavadh After a 7th Century King of Persia
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Latin Dog Names

Latin was a widely used language during the 7th century, and these names can reflect that language's influence.
Name Description
Altus From Latin, meaning 'high', suitable for a large breed dog
Amicus Translates to 'friend' in Latin, fitting for a friendly pet
Aquila Meaning 'eagle' in Latin, fitting for a dog with a keen sense of sight
Audax Meaning 'bold' in Latin, suitable for an adventurous pet
Bellator From Latin, translating to 'warrior'; ideal for a dog with a strong, protective nature
Custos Translates to 'guardian' in Latin, ideal for a protective dog
Ferox Latin for 'ferocious', perfect for a spirited dog
Fidelis A Latin term for faithful, suitable for a loyal companion
Fortis From Latin, translating to 'brave'; perfect for a courageous dog
Gratus Translates to 'pleasing' in Latin, ideal for a dog with a pleasant disposition
Leo Meaning 'lion' in Latin, suitable for a brave, regal dog
Liber Meaning 'free' in Latin, ideal for an independent dog
Lupa Latin for 'she-wolf', suitable for a fierce female dog
Miles Latin term for 'soldier', fitting for a disciplined, obedient dog
Pax In Latin, it means 'peace', perfect for a tranquil dog
Prudens Latin term for 'wise', fitting for a smart dog
Pulcher Translates to 'beautiful' in Latin, fitting for a lovely pet
Rex Latin for 'king', suitable for a dignified pet
Rubinus Latin for 'ruby', perfect for a dog with a reddish coat
Sapiens Latin term for 'wise', ideal for a clever dog
Sol Translates to 'sun' in Latin, perfect for a lively, energetic dog
Spero Latin for 'hope', ideal for an inspiring pet
Vigil Derived from Latin meaning 'watchful', good for an alert dog
Virtus From Latin, translating to 'virtue'; suitable for a dog with a good nature
Vita Latin for 'life', suitable for a vibrant pet

Germanic Dog Names

Germanic tribes were significant during the 7th century, and these names can reflect that historical fact.
Name Description
Adalwolf Derived from Germanic elements 'adal' meaning noble and 'wulf' meaning wolf, a nod to noble dogs
Alaric In Germanic, it means 'ruler of all', a name befitting a leading, dominant dog
Aldric This name, meaning old ruler in Germanic, reflects the leadership attributes often seen in dogs
Berengar This Germanic name means 'bear and spear', perfect for a fierce, protective dog
Bernhard In Germanic, it means 'bear heart', suitable for a strong and brave dog
Clovis A Germanic name signifying 'famous warrior', suitable for a dog with a strong, warrior-like spirit
Dietrich In Germanic, it means 'ruler of the people', a fitting name for a dog with a commanding presence
Eberhard It has Germanic origins and represents the traits of a boar, symbolizing strength
Friedrich This Germanic name meaning 'peaceful ruler' is perfect for a calm, composed pet
Gunther Derived from Germanic elements meaning war and army, it's suitable for a protective dog
Hartmann In Germanic, it means 'strong as a stag', a fitting name for a sturdy, resilient dog
Ingmar This name hails from the Germanic god Ing, making it suitable for a dog with a divine presence
Karl Meaning 'free man' in Germanic, it's a befitting name for an independent, free-spirited dog
Leopold In Germanic, it means 'bold people', perfect for a dog with a bold and brave personality
Manfred This Germanic name implies 'strength and peace', a good match for a strong, peaceful dog
Otto Meaning 'wealth and fortune', it's a fitting name for a dog that brings joy and richness to life
Rudolf This Germanic name means 'famous wolf', making it apt for a dog with a striking presence
Siegfried It translates to 'victory peace', suitable for a triumphant, peaceful dog
Theobald This Germanic name means 'bold people', perfect for a dog with a daring personality
Ulrich In Germanic, it means 'power and prosperity', a fitting name for a strong, thriving dog
Volker This name means 'people's guard', making it apt for a protective, loyal dog
Waldemar It means 'famous ruler' in Germanic, suitable for a dog with a commanding presence
Xaver A derivative of a Germanic name referring to a new house, perfect for a dog welcomed into a new home
Yngwie This name comes from the Germanic god Ing, making it suitable for a dog with a divine aura
Zigmund It translates to 'victorious protector', fitting for a dog who guards its family

Celtic Dog Names

The Celtic culture was prominent during the 7th century, and these names can reflect that cultural influence.
Name Description
Artos Refers to the Celtic word for bear
Bran A common name in Celtic lore, meaning raven
Brigid Named after a popular Celtic goddess
Deirdre Drawn from Celtic myths
Eire Celtic name for Ireland
Fionn Based on a renowned Celtic hero
Gael Reflects the Celtic ethnic group
Iona Named after a sacred Celtic island
Jarlath A 7th century Celtic saint
Kyna Meaning love in Celtic
Lugh Named after a Celtic god
Morna Derives from a Celtic word for affection
Niamh Reflects a character from Celtic mythology
Oisin A legendary Celtic poet's name
Prydain An old Celtic name for Britain
Quinn Originates from a Celtic word for wisdom
Riagan A Celtic name meaning royal
Riona Celtic name meaning queen
Siobhan A popular name in Celtic culture
Taranis Named after a Celtic thunder god
Una A name from Celtic folklore
Vaughn A Celtic word for small
Wynn Based on a Celtic symbol for love
Xanthe A Celtic name meaning fair-haired
Yseult From a famous Celtic love story

Biblical Dog Names

The Bible was widely read during the 7th century, so biblical names would be fitting and historically appropriate.
Name Description
Abel Derived from a biblical figure known for his righteousness
Balthazar This is traditionally the name of one of the Magi who visited baby Jesus
Barnabas This is the name of an influential early Christian
Caleb Caleb is a character from the Old Testament who was faithful to God
Corinth Corinth is a city in the Bible, making a unique biblical name for a dog
Elijah This name is from a prophet in the Old Testament
Esther This name belongs to a queen who saved her people in the Bible
Ezekiel This name comes from a prophet who had several divine visions
Hosea The name originates from a prophet who wrote the Book of Hosea
Jeremiah Jeremiah, a prophet from the Old Testament, gives this name a biblical connection
Joel The name belongs to a Biblical prophet, making it fit the category
Jonah A biblical prophet swallowed by a whale, hence the name
Judah Judah was one of Jacob's sons in the Bible
Levi The name comes from one of the twelve tribes of Israel in the Bible
Micah Micah was a prophet who foretold the birthplace of Jesus
Miriam Miriam, Moses' sister in the Bible, gives the name a biblical reference
Naomi This name is given to a pleasant and lovely woman in the Bible
Nehemiah Nehemiah, a governor who rebuilt Jerusalem, is the origin of this name
Reuben The name derives from Jacob's first-born son in the Bible
Ruth Ruth, a woman of noble character, is a figure from the Old Testament
Samson Samson, a judge of Israel known for his strength, is the origin of this name
Seth This name comes from a son of Adam and Eve in Genesis
Simon Simon, one of Jesus' apostles, gives this name a biblical connection
Tabitha Tabitha was a charitable woman who was resurrected by Peter in the New Testament
Zachary Zachary is the father of John the Baptist in the New Testament

Old English Dog Names

Old English was the language spoken during the 7th century, making these names historically accurate and unique.
Name Description
Aethelwulf Named after a 7th-century king, it means 'noble wolf'
Baldhere Translates to 'bold army', signifying bravery
Cuthbert A popular name among 7th-century saints
Deorwine Old English for 'dear friend', suitable for a loyal pet
Eadric Meaning 'wealthy ruler', from Old English
Frodhere This name signifies wisdom in Old English
Godric A name of Old English origin, meaning 'power of God'
Hereward Drawn from Old English, implying 'guardian of the army'
Ingwald A common name in the 7th century, it symbolizes 'Ing's power'
Jeorl An Old English word signifying 'nobleman'
Kynric This name translates to 'royal power' in Old English
Leofwine A name meaning 'dear friend', ideal for a loyal pet
Mildred Named after a 7th-century English saint
Nothhelm An Old English name meaning 'north helmet'
Oswald In honor of a 7th-century Northumbrian king
Penda Bearing the name of a 7th-century Mercian king
Quendred A rare 7th-century name, signifying 'woman's power'
Raedwald An Old English name meaning 'power in counsel'
Saewine This name signifies 'sea friend' in Old English
Thrythgar A name meaning 'strength spear' in Old English
Unwine An Old English name meaning 'friend of the lambs'
Wiglaf An Old English name signifying 'war remnant'
Xantippus Though Greek, it was common in the 7th century
Ymma An Old English name meaning 'work'
Zephyrinus A 7th-century name of Greek origin, meaning 'west wind'
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