Dog Names By Day >> 8-14-2024 Dog Names

8-14-2024 Dog Names - Page 2

Updated: August 14, 2024

Welcome to a page dedicated to dog names inspired by significant events and birthdays celebrated on August 14th. This particular date holds a special place in history, marked by events that symbolize resilience, exploration, and progress, and it's also the birthday of some of the most iconic figures in the world of music and comedy. Our collection of dog names is designed to reflect the positive aspects of these occurrences, offering you a unique and meaningful choice for your furry friend.

On this date in 2003, a significant event took place that demonstrated our ability to bounce back from adversity. A large-scale power blackout in the Northeast United States and Canada came to an end, restoring electricity to millions of people. This event reflects resilience and recovery, traits that you might see in your brave and loyal pet. In 2018, NASA launched the Parker Solar Probe to study the sun's outer corona, marking a step forward in our quest for knowledge and exploration. These events inspire names that represent courage, resilience, and curiosity.

August 14th is also a day to celebrate the birthdays of legendary musicians and comedians. David Crosby, a founding member of both the Byrds and Crosby, Stills & Nash, and a two-time inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, was born on this day. His name brings to mind creativity, harmony, and endurance. Also celebrating his birthday on this day is Steve Martin, a multi-talented actor, comedian, writer, and musician, recognized for his brilliant humor and wit. Finally, we also honor Horace Silver, a pioneering figure in the hard bop jazz style, whose creativity and innovation continue to inspire. These artists inspire names that reflect talent, humor, creativity, and musicality.

So, whether you're looking for a name that showcases resilience, a sense of humor, or musical talent, this collection of dog names inspired by the events and birthdays of August 14th offers a wide array of choices.

Name Reason to Choose
Echo Named after Crosby's song 'Echoes.'
Eden A song and album by Sarah Brightman, a beautiful name for a dog
Eleven Representing Phelps' remarkable achievement of 11 career gold medals
Embassy Representing the U.S. Embassy in Havana, which reopened after 54 years
FarSide This name is inspired by 'The Far Side', a single-panel cartoon series created by Gary Larson
Federation This name references the World Wrestling Federation, where Bob Backlund made a name for himself
Foundation This name signifies the Social Security Act's role in establishing the foundation of the American welfare system
Freedom Signifies the freedom Cambodians experienced after the end of the bombing
Galaxy A nod to the vastness of space, where the Curiosity Rover undertook its mission
Gdansk This moniker reflects the location where the historic labor strike began in 1980
Glow In commemoration of the lights turning back on after the blackout
Grapple Grapple is a nod to Bob Backlund's wrestling career
Guardian A reference to the protective qualities of the newly approved vaccine
Guinnevere A song by David Crosby, a perfect name for a lady dog
Harmony For a dog that brings peace and balance, much like the historic peace deal of 2020
Havana Honoring the historic reopening of the U.S. Embassy in Havana, Cuba
Health In acknowledgment of the health benefits brought by the Rotashield vaccine
Hope The end of the bombing of Cambodia gave hope for a peaceful resolution to the Vietnam War
Horace A sophisticated name for a dog, in honor of the jazz pianist Horace Silver
Hydra This name commemorates the other moon of Pluto, found in the same year
Jackson To remember the iconic pop star's savvy business move in 1985
Jazz An obvious choice for fans of Horace Silver's music
Jinx Berry played a character named Jinx in the James Bond film 'Die Another Day.'
Lady This name is a nod to Lynne Cheney's role as the Second Lady of the United States from 2001 to 2009
Larson This name pays homage to Gary Larson, the creator of 'The Far Side'
Liberty Symbolic of the freedom sought by the striking workers in Poland
Lion Symbolizing Singapore's national animal, where the first Youth Olympics were held
Lumen Symbolic of the light that returned after the blackout ended
Luna Brightman has a fascination with space, and Luna means moon
Lyric In tribute to the Beatles' influential songwriting bought by Michael Jackson
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Birthday: David Crosby

Naming your dog after David Crosby is a great idea especially if you're a fan of his music. It's a unique way to show your appreciation for his contributions to the music industry, plus it allows you to have a constant reminder of his music around your home. It's also a fun conversation starter with fellow music lovers who recognize the reference.
Name Description
Acoustic A nod to Crosby's love for acoustic music
Activist Crosby is known for his political activism
Byrdie Honoring Crosby's time as a founding member of the Byrds
Eagle Crosby has worked with members of the Eagles
Echoes A nod to Crosby's song 'Echoes'
Folkie Paying tribute to Crosby's folk-rock genre
Graham A tribute to Graham Nash, Crosby's bandmate in Crosby, Stills & Nash
Guinnevere One of Crosby's most popular songs
HallOfFame Crosby's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a major career achievement
Harmony Crosby's harmonizations are a hallmark of his music
Icon Crosby is a true icon in the world of rock and folk music
Inductee Crosby was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice
Joni A tribute to Joni Mitchell, a fellow folk-rock musician and friend of Crosby's
Lyric A tribute to Crosby's lyrical songwriting
Melody A tribute to Crosby's melodic songwriting
Morrison A tribute to Crosby's collaboration with Van Morrison
Nash This name is a nod to Crosby's iconic band, Crosby, Stills & Nash
Peace Crosby's music often carries messages of peace
Riff An homage to Crosby's guitar playing
Rockstar Because Crosby is a true rockstar
Sailor Crosby's love for sailing is reflected in his music
Sixties The decade when Crosby's career took off
Stills An homage to the band Crosby, Stills & Nash
Troubadour Crosby is known for his storytelling through music
Woodstock Crosby's performance at this iconic music festival is a highlight of his career

Birthday: Jackée Harry

Choosing a name related to Jackée Harry for your dog is a great idea as it pays tribute to an iconic actress who has captured the hearts of many with her charm, talent, and sense of humor. Naming your dog after such a strong, charismatic and entertaining personality can give your pet a unique and playful identity that reflects Jackée's vivacious spirit.
Name Description
227 The iconic show that made her a household name
Beverly Her role in 'Beverly Hills, 90210'
Broadway Because she appeared on Broadway
Clark Her character's last name in the beloved 227 series
Comedy She's well-known for her comedic roles
Director In recognition of her work behind the camera
Diva Known for her sassy and diva-like characters
Drama For her roles in dramatic TV series
Emmy For the Emmy Award she won as Outstanding Supporting Actress
Guiding Her role on 'The Guiding Light' soap opera
Harlem She was born in Harlem, New York
Hollywood Signifying her successful career in the entertainment industry
Jackée After the actress herself
Jazz She voiced a jazz singer in an animated film
Jenkins A reference to the character she often sparred with on 227
Legend She's a legend in television and film
Personality Her vibrant personality that shines through in her roles
Sandra A nod to her most famous role on the series 227
Singer For her vocal talents in addition to her acting
Sister From her role in 'Sister, Sister'
Sitcom Representing her work in multiple successful sitcoms
Star A simple tribute to her status as a star
Starlet She's been a star in the entertainment industry for decades
Thelma In honor of her role in the sitcom 'Amen'
Tony Signifying her nomination for a Tony Award

Birthday: Bob Backlund

Choosing a dog name inspired by Bob Backlund, a professional wrestling icon, is a great idea for wrestling fans who also happen to be dog lovers. It not only pays homage to this legendary figure but also adds a unique and strong touch to your dog's identity. Plus, it's a fun conversation starter for when you're out walking your dog and meet fellow wrestling enthusiasts.
Name Description
Arena In reference to the places where Backlund showcased his talents
Backlund Carrying the legacy of Bob Backlund himself
Belt For the championship belts Backlund has won
Brawler To represent Backlund's fierce fighting style
Champion As an ode to Backlund's successful career as a professional wrestler
FaceOff In honor of Backlund's many intense matches
Grapple A nod to Backlund's wrestling technique
Grip A nod to Backlund's strong hold during wrestling matches
Headlock One of Backlund's signature wrestling moves
Legacy To signify the significant impact Backlund has had on professional wrestling
Maneuver A tribute to Backlund's tactical approach in the ring
Mat The surface where Backlund manifested his wrestling prowess
Pinfall A tribute to Backlund's decisive victories
Ringside Marking Backlund's domain where he reigned supreme
Rumble To embody the energy and excitement of Backlund's matches
Showdown For the memorable bouts Backlund had
Slammer A reminder of Backlund's powerful wrestling moves
Smackdown Signifying the intensity of Backlund's performances
Stamina In honor of Backlund's enduring career spanning over three decades
Striker For Backlund's powerful hits in the ring
Suplex A famous wrestling move often used by Backlund
Tagteam To represent Backlund's teamwork during tag team matches
Takedown For Backlund's impressive wrestling moves
Titan To signify Backlund's monumental stature in wrestling
Victory To honor the numerous wins Backlund had during his career

Birthday: Gary Larson

Naming your dog after a Gary Larson inspired name is a great idea because it not only pays homage to a legendary cartoonist but also instills a sense of uniqueness and creativity in your pet's identity. Larson's cartoons often featured animals with human-like qualities, making these names a fun and fitting choice for your furry friend.
Name Description
Absurd Gary's cartoons often had an element of absurdity
Bizarro A name to reflect the bizarre humor in Larson's cartoons
Cartoon Larson's primary medium for his renowned humor
Comical A name to honor the comedic genius of Larson
Doodle A lighthearted name that speaks to the art of cartooning
Droll Larson's cartoons were known for their droll humor
FarSide This name is a direct homage to Larson's famous cartoon series
Flipside A play on The Far Side title
Gag Commemorates Larson's gag cartoons
Gary A tribute to Larson's first name
Humor A characteristic that defined Larson's work
Inkwell Symbolic of Larson's tool of trade
Jester A nod to Larson's ability to make people laugh
Larson Named after the cartoonist himself
Panel The Far Side was known for its single-panel format
Punchline Because every good cartoon has one
Quirk Honoring the quirkiness of Larson's cartoons
Satire A testament to the satirical wit in Larson's work
Sketch A nod to the preliminary phase of cartoon creation
Surreal An attribute regularly seen in Larson's cartoons
Syndicate Representing Larson's internationally syndicated work
Thag A recurring character in The Far Side cartoons
Toon A shorthand name for cartoon
Wacky A fitting name for a dog in honor of Larson's wacky humor
Zany To celebrate the zaniness of The Far Side

Birthday: Horace Silver

Choosing a dog name inspired by Horace Silver is a fantastic idea, especially for jazz enthusiasts. It adds a unique, sophisticated touch to your dog's identity, while also paying homage to one of the pioneers of the hard bop jazz style. This way, every time you call your furry friend, you'll be reminded of the timeless tunes of this legendary musician.
Name Description
Basie After Count Basie, a key figure in swing era
Bebop Acknowledging the style that preceded hard bop
Benny After Benny Goodman, the king of swing
Billie Representing Billie Holiday, a renowned jazz singer
Bird For Charlie 'Bird' Parker, a key figure in the development of bebop
Bluenote Representing the record label he was associated with
Bop A nod to the hard bop style he helped pioneer
Dizzy After Dizzy Gillespie, one of his influences
Duke After Duke Ellington, a legend in the jazz world
Ellington Representing Duke Ellington, a big influence in jazz
Fitzgerald After Ella Fitzgerald, the queen of jazz
Groove A nod to the rhythmic groove in his compositions
Harlem A tribute to where he was born and raised
Holiday Representing the iconic jazz singer, Billie Holiday
Horace A direct tribute to the great pianist himself
Jazz Celebrating the genre he dedicated his life to
Miles For Miles Davis, an icon in the same era
Monk After Thelonious Monk, a contemporary and influence
Ornette After Ornette Coleman, an innovator in the free jazz movement
Satchmo For Louis Armstrong, a pioneer in jazz
Silver Honoring his iconic surname
Simone After Nina Simone, a fellow jazz musician and civil rights activist
Soul A tribute to the soulful sound of his music
Swing Honoring the rhythmic style in jazz
Trane A tribute to John Coltrane, a pivotal figure in hard bop
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