Dog Names By Country >> Burkina Faso Dog Names

Burkina Faso Dog Names - Page 5

Updated: June 28, 2024

Welcome to a distinctive collection of canine appellations inspired by the rich culture, history, and language of a renowned West African nation. This specially curated page is dedicated to pet lovers who are eager to give their furry friends a unique name that resonates with the vibrancy, spirit, and diversity of African heritage.

The names you’ll find here are deeply rooted in the traditions and languages of Burkina Faso, a country known for its vibrant music and dance, intricate textiles, and captivating folklore. Burkina Faso's languages, such as Mossi and Dyula, offer a vast repertoire of meaningful, unusual, and charming names that could be perfect for your new four-legged family member.

Whether you are looking for a name that represents strength, courage, love, or just something that sounds beautiful, our collection of dog names inspired by Burkina Faso is bound to have something for everyone. Go ahead and explore this unique and exciting collection!

Name Reason to Choose
Yatenga Yatenga is a province in Burkina Faso and would make a unique dog name
Yoruba An ethnic group in Nigeria, showcasing the cultural diversity in West Africa
Zambezi One of Africa's great rivers, symbolizing strength and power
Zondoma This name is taken from the Zondoma Province in Burkina Faso
Zongo Zongo is a common surname in Burkina Faso
Zorgo Zorgo is a city in Burkina Faso
Zoundweogo Named after the Zoundweogo Province in Burkina Faso
Zulu An ethnic group in South Africa, demonstrating the continent's rich cultural diversity
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Burkinabé Language Names

These names are derived from the languages spoken in Burkina Faso, such as Mossi and Dyula.
Name Description
Bila In Moore language, it refers to 'one who has been chosen'
Djibo This is a city in Burkina Faso, making it a geographically inspired dog name
Fofo It symbolizes 'butterfly', a gentle creature in Moore language
Kaya It's the name of a city in Burkina Faso
Kisima It means 'well' in Moore, a language widely spoken in Burkina Faso
Kombissiri This is a town in Burkina Faso, and it's a unique dog name
Koudougou This is a city in Burkina Faso, it's a unique dog name
Naba In the local language, it means 'ruler' or 'king'
Nebie This is a common surname in Burkina Faso
Nongda This is the name of a popular neighborhood in Burkina Faso's capital, Ouagadougou
Ouaga It's a short form for Ouagadougou, the capital city of Burkina Faso
Rasmane It's a common name in Burkina Faso
Rita This name is quite popular in Burkina Faso
Rooda This is the Moore language word for 'peace'
Sankara This is a tribute to Thomas Sankara, a popular leader in Burkina Faso
Sorga This word symbolizes 'heaven' in Moore Language
Tenga This term signifies 'earth' in Moore language
Tenkodogo Named after a city in Burkina Faso
Wendkuuni In Moore language, it translates to 'God's gift'
Yako This is a small town in Burkina Faso
Zalika This is a popular name in Burkina Faso that means 'well-born'
Zanga It translates to 'shade' in the Moore language, suitable for a calm and composed pet
Ziniare Named after a town in Burkina Faso
Zongo Zongo is a common surname in Burkina Faso
Zoodo In the Moore language, it means 'love'

Names Inspired by Burkinabé Food

These names are inspired by popular foods and dishes in Burkina Faso.
Name Description
Bambara Inspired by 'Bambara groundnut', a typical Burkinabé food
Baobab Inspired by the fruit from the Baobab tree, used in local cuisine
Bissap A name inspired by a popular drink made from hibiscus flowers
Boule Derived from 'Boule', a popular Burkinabé dish
Cassava Named after a root vegetable that is a staple in the region
Degue Inspired by the traditional millet pudding in Burkina Faso
Dolo Inspired by the locally brewed beer in Burkina Faso
Fonio Named after the nutritious grain widely consumed in the region
Fufu Named after a staple food made from cassava
Gombo Inspired by 'Gombo Soup', a traditional Burkinabé dish
Kinkéliba Inspired by a medicinal tea popular in the region
Maïs Inspired by the corn, a staple food in the Burkinabé diet
Mango Named after the popular fruit in Burkina Faso
Millet Named after a staple grain in Burkina Faso
Okra Derived from the vegetable commonly used in Burkinabé cuisine
Papaya Derived from the tropical fruit widely consumed in the region
Peanut From the common ingredient in many traditional Burkinabé dishes
Riz Inspired by the common rice dishes in Burkina Faso
Safou Named after an indigenous fruit in Burkina Faso
Sorgho Named after the cereal crop widely used in Burkinabé cuisine
Sorghum Named after a cereal grain common in Burkina Faso
Tiga From 'Tiga Degué', a popular yogurt-based dish
Toé Derived from 'Toé sauce', a popular Burkinabé sauce
Yam Named after a popular root vegetable in the region
Zamnè From 'Zamnè sauce', a traditional sauce in Burkinabé cooking

Names Inspired by Famous Burkinabé

These names are inspired by famous people from Burkina Faso, such as artists, athletes, and politicians.
Name Description
Bance Aristide Bancé is a famous Burkinabé professional footballer
Barro Paul Ismaël Barro is a well-known Burkinabé journalist
Bassole Djibril Bassolé is a prominent Burkinabé politician
Compaore Blaise Compaoré was the president of Burkina Faso for 27 years
Dagano Moumouni Dagano is a former professional footballer from Burkina Faso
Guigma Named after Fidèle Guigma, a Burkinabé professional footballer
Kabore Roch Marc Christian Kaboré is a notable politician in Burkina Faso
Kambou Named after Ben Idriss Kambou, a Burkinabé professional footballer
Kere Diébédo Francis Kéré is a renowned architect from Burkina Faso
Kiema Named after Adrien Kiema, a Burkinabé professional footballer
Konate Named after Adama Konaté, a Burkinabé artist known for his tapestry
Koulibaly Inspired by Bakary Koné, a Burkinabé professional footballer
Nakoulma Inspired by Prejuce Nakoulma, a popular Burkinabé footballer
Ouattara Clément Ouattara was a famous Burkinabé long-jumper
Ouedraogo A common Burkinabé surname, belonging to various famous figures
Pitroipa Named after Jonathan Pitroipa, a well-known Burkinabé footballer
Sankara Named after Thomas Sankara, a revolutionary leader in Burkina Faso
Savadogo Inspired by Léonce Savadogo, a former prime minister of Burkina Faso
Sawadogo After Gaston Kaboré, a prominent Burkinabé film director
Some In honor of Norbert Zongo, also known as Henri Sebgo, a Burkinabé journalist
Tapsoba Edmond Tapsoba is a famous Burkinabé footballer
Traore Adama Traoré is a well-known Burkinabé footballer
Yameogo Inspired by Maurice Yaméogo, the first President of Burkina Faso
Zida Inspired by Isaac Zida, a military officer who briefly served as Prime Minister
Zongo Norbert Zongo was a renowned Burkinabé investigative journalist

Geographical Names

These names are inspired by the geographical landmarks and regions of Burkina Faso.
Name Description
Banfora The name of a town and commune in Burkina Faso
Bobo Named after Bobo-Dioulasso, the second largest city in Burkina Faso
Boromo Boromo is a town in Burkina Faso
Dedougou One of the principal cities in Burkina Faso
Diebougou Diebougou is a town located in Burkina Faso
Dori Drawn from Dori, a city in Burkina Faso
Fada Inspired by the town Fada N'gourma in Burkina Faso
Gaoua Gaoua is a market town in Burkina Faso
Hounde Hounde is a city in Burkina Faso, in the province of Tuy
Kaya This is a name of a city in Burkina Faso
Kombissiri The name of a town in Burkina Faso
Kongoussi Kongoussi is a town located in Burkina Faso
Koudougou Drawn from the name of one of Burkina Faso's major cities
Leo Leo is a city in Burkina Faso
Manga Manga is a city in Burkina Faso
Nouna Inspired by Nouna, a town in Burkina Faso
Orodara Derived from Orodara, a town in western Burkina Faso
Ouaga Ouaga is short for Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso
Pama Named after Pama, a town in Burkina Faso
Reo Named after Reo, a city in Burkina Faso
Tenkodogo Inspired by a city in the Boulgou Province of Burkina Faso
Tougan Tougan is a town in Burkina Faso
Yako Yako is a city in Burkina Faso
Ziniare Named after Ziniare, a town in Burkina Faso
Zorgo A town in the Ganzourgou Province of Burkina Faso

Traditional Names

These names are derived from the traditional and cultural heritage of Burkina Faso.
Name Description
Akua A popular name for dogs born on Wednesday in Burkina Faso
Bahati It's a well-liked name for dogs, meaning 'luck'
Bintou It is a name given to girls in Burkina Faso, meaning 'the daughter of'
Bomani This traditional name meaning 'warrior' is chosen for strong dogs
Chike Meaning 'God's power', it's a favored name for dogs
Chinua This name, translating to 'God's own blessing', is often given to dogs
Dakarai It's a traditional name that means 'happiness' in the Burkina Faso region
Duma It's a common name translating to 'cheetah', often given to fast dogs
Femi It's a common name that translates to 'beloved'
Imara This name, meaning 'strong', is a popular choice for guard dogs
Jengo This traditional name translates to 'building'
Jengo This traditional name translates to 'building'
Kofi This name, meaning 'born on Friday', is a common traditional choice
Kwame Given to boys born on Saturday, it's also a popular dog name
Kwasi Given to boys born on Sunday, it's also a popular dog name
Lerato This name, meaning 'love', is common in Burkina Faso
Mosi Translates to 'first born', a name locals often give to their first pet
Nia This name, translating to 'purpose', is often given to dogs
Oni It's a common name meaning 'born on holy ground'
Rudo Often chosen for dogs, this name stands for 'love'
Sefu This name, translating to 'sword', is a popular choice for guard dogs
Tendai Locals often use this name, which stands for 'thankful'
Tumelo Meaning 'faith', it's a loved name for dogs in Burkina Faso
Zalika Translates to 'well-born', a name locals often give to their pets
Zuri Translates to 'beautiful', a name often given to female dogs
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