Dog Names By Language >> Egyptian Arabic Dog Names

Egyptian Arabic Dog Names - Page 4

Updated: May 31, 2024

Welcome to our collection of distinctive names for your furry friend, inspired by the rich culture, history, and language of Egypt. In the heart of North Africa, Egypt is a nation known for its ancient civilization, iconic monuments, and its unique Arabic dialect. This page is dedicated to all pet owners who are looking for a unique and meaningful name for their dogs.

From the banks of the Nile to the shadows of the Pyramids, Egypt's heritage offers a plethora of unique and meaningful names. This collection reflects the language and culture, giving you a wide range of options that truly embody the spirit of this ancient land. Whether you are a lover of history, a language enthusiast, or you simply want your pet’s name to stand out, you will find what you're looking for here.

Every name listed here holds a story, a fragment of the past or a symbol of the rich Egyptian culture. With each name, we provide a brief description of its meaning and significance. So, delve into the world of Egyptian-inspired names and find the perfect one that suits your loyal companion's personality and uniqueness.

Name Reason to Choose
Ptolemaic Named after the Greek dynasty that ruled Egypt, for a dog with a kingly demeanor
Ptolemy Named after a series of Greek Pharaohs, for a dog with a regal bearing
Qebui Qebui is the god of the North wind in Egyptian mythology, suitable for a fast and agile dog
Qetesh Qetesh is an ancient Egyptian goddess of love and beauty
Ra It is the name of the sun god in Egyptian mythology
Ramses For a dog with a regal presence, named after one of Egypt's most powerful pharaohs
Renpet Renpet is the ancient Egyptian goddess of time, a great name for a dog who will be a lifelong companion
Reshep Reshep is an ancient Egyptian god of war, a great name for a strong and protective dog
Sahu In Egyptian mythology, Sahu represents the constellation Orion
Sais It's an ancient Egyptian city
Satet Satet is an archer goddess in ancient Egyptian religion, a good name for a dog with sharp and alert senses
Seb Seb is the ancient Egyptian god of the Earth, a fitting name for a grounded and dependable dog
Sed Sed is an ancient Egyptian feast, a fitting name for a dog who loves to eat
Sekhmet Sekhmet is an Egyptian warrior goddess
Seleucid Named after a Greek dynasty that had dealings with Egypt, for a dog with a commanding presence
Seleucus Named after a Greek king who had dealings with Egypt, for a dog with a regal presence
Sennu A name with a sense of humor, it means 'to make laugh' in ancient Egyptian
Senusret Named after a Pharaoh of the 12th dynasty, for a dog with a royal demeanor
Serket Serket is the ancient Egyptian scorpion goddess of fertility, a fitting name for a nurturing and protective female dog
Serqet Serqet is an ancient Egyptian goddess of scorpions
Seshat Seshat is the ancient Egyptian goddess of wisdom
Seti Seti is the name of several ancient Egyptian pharaohs
Shabaka Named after a Pharaoh of the 25th dynasty, for a dog with a powerful personality
Shezmu Shezmu is the ancient Egyptian god of wine and oil, a fitting name for a dog with a glossy and beautiful coat
Shu Shu is the ancient Egyptian god of air and light, a great name for a light-colored, energetic dog
Sia Sia is the deification of wisdom in ancient Egyptian mythology, a fitting name for a smart and wise dog
Siptah Named after a Pharaoh of the 19th dynasty, for a dog with a strong presence
Sneferu Named after a Pharaoh who was a prolific builder, for a dog that loves to dig
Sobek Sobek is an ancient Egyptian deity associated with the Nile crocodile
Sopdu Sopdu is the Egyptian god of the eastern border, a great name for a guard dog
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Egyptian Words Meaning

These can be unique and meaningful names, allowing an owner to choose a name based on the desired trait or characteristic.
Name Description
Amun This name is inspired by the god of creation
Ankh Ankh is a symbol of life in ancient Egypt
Anubis Anubis is the god of afterlife in ancient Egyptian mythology
Atum Atum is a creator god and the god of dusk
Bastet Bastet is the goddess of home, fertility, and childbirth
Faraoh This is a tribute to the rulers of ancient Egypt
Geb Geb is the god of the Earth
Hapi Hapi is the god of the annual flooding of the Nile
Horus Horus is the god of the sky in ancient Egyptian mythology
Isis Named after the goddess of health, marriage, and wisdom
Khnum Khnum is the god of the source of the Nile River
Khufu Named after the pharaoh who built the Great Pyramid of Giza
Maat Maat is the goddess of truth, justice, and harmony
Nefertiti Nefertiti was a queen of Ancient Egypt
Nile Named after the life-giving river in Egypt
Osiris From the god of the underworld and the dead
Ptah Ptah is the god of craftsmen and architects
Ra Ra is the sun god in ancient Egyptian mythology
Ramses Ramses was a pharaoh in ancient Egypt
Sahara It translates to 'desert', reflecting the vast landscapes of Egypt
Sekhmet Sekhmet is the goddess of war and healing
Set The name of the god of chaos, storms, and disorder
Sphinx Named after the iconic statue in Giza
Thoth Thoth is the god of wisdom and writing
Tut Inspired by the boy pharaoh, Tutankhamun

Egyptian Mythological Creature Names

These names can be quite distinctive and can reflect the mythical and mysterious aspects of Egyptian culture.
Name Description
Amun Inspired by the king of the gods and god of the wind in Egyptian mythology
Anubis This name is inspired by the god of embalming and the dead, usually depicted as a canine or a man with a canine head
Anuket Anuket is the goddess of the Nile river, known for her nurturing and caring nature
Apophis This name is inspired by the god of chaos and destruction
Atum This name is inspired by the god of creation and the setting sun
Bastet This name is inspired by the goddess of home, fertility, and childbirth, usually depicted as a lioness or a cat
Geb Inspired by the god of the Earth in Egyptian mythology
Hapi Hapi, the god of the annual flooding of the Nile, can make a unique name for a dog
Hathor Derived from the goddess of love, beauty, and music in Egyptian mythology
Horus This name is inspired by the god of the sky, sun, and kingship in Egyptian mythology
Isis Isis, the Egyptian goddess of life and magic, can make a unique name for a dog
Khepri Khepri is the Egyptian god of creation, rebirth, and the sun
Khnum Inspired by the god of the Nile river and the creator of bodies of human children
Maat This name is inspired by the goddess of truth, justice, and harmony
Neith This name is inspired by the goddess of war and hunting
Nephthys Inspired by the goddess of death, service, lamentation, and nighttime
Nut The Egyptian goddess of the sky and stars can be a great name choice for a dog
Osiris Osiris, the Egyptian god of the underworld and rebirth, can make a unique name for a dog
Ptah Derived from the god of craftsmen and architects in Egyptian mythology
Sekhmet Sekhmet is the Egyptian goddess of war, often depicted as a lioness
Serket Derived from the goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites
Set The god of chaos, storms, and desert in Egyptian mythology can be a great name choice for a dog
Sobek Sobek, the god of crocodiles, the Nile, the army, military, fertility and rebirth, can make a unique name for a dog
Sphinx Derived from the legendary Egyptian creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human
Thoth This name is inspired by the god of wisdom, writing, and the moon in Egyptian mythology

Egyptian Location Names

Names inspired by famous locations in Egypt can be a great way to showcase the dog's heritage or the owner's love for Egyptian culture.
Name Description
Abydos An ancient city of Egypt, suitable for a dog with a strong and regal character
Alexandria A city with rich history makes for a sophisticated dog name
Aswan This Egyptian city is known for its tranquility, just like a calm dog
Asyut An ancient city, suitable for a dog with an old-world charm
Cairo Egypt's capital city, perfect for a leader of the pack
Dahab A beach town in Egypt, perfect for a playful, water-loving dog
Dakhla One of the New Valley's oases, perfect for a dog that brings comfort
Dendera An ancient temple city, perfect for a dog with a majestic aura
Edfu A city known for its ancient temple, perfect for a dog with a dignified demeanor
El-Minya A city in Upper Egypt, great for a dog with a noble bearing
Faiyum An oasis city, great for a dog who is your personal oasis
Giza This is a famous city in Egypt known for the Great Pyramids
Heliopolis An ancient city of light, great for a dog who brightens your day
Ismailia A city situated along the Suez Canal, suitable for an adventurous dog
Komombo A town known for its ruins and temples, great for a dog with a regal presence
Luxor An ancient city in Egypt, a great name for a dog with a regal presence
Minya A city in Upper Egypt, an elegant name for any breed
Qena An Egyptian city on the Nile, a strong name for a robust dog
Rosetta The town where the Rosetta Stone was found, suitable for a smart dog
Saqqara An ancient burial ground in Egypt, ideal for a dog with an old soul
Sharm Short for Sharm el-Sheikh, a popular tourist city, perfect for a sociable dog
Siwa An oasis in Egypt, a unique name for an extraordinary dog
Sohag An agricultural city, suitable for a hardworking dog
Suez A port city in Egypt, perfect for a dog who loves the outdoors
Tanta A large city in Egypt, suitable for a large breed dog

Egyptian Pharaoh Names

These names are unique and carry a rich history, making them an interesting choice for a dog name.
Name Description
Ahmose Founding pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Akhenaten This pharaoh tried to shift his kingdom towards monotheism
Amenhotep Several pharaohs had this name, making it historically significant
Cleopatra This name reflects the last active pharaoh of Egypt
Djedefre A ruler during the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt
Djoser Pharaoh of the Third Dynasty who built the step pyramid
Hatshepsut Respects the second historically-confirmed female pharaoh
Khafre Second pyramid at Giza was constructed during his reign
Khufu The pyramid of Giza was built under this pharaoh's reign
Menkaure Ruler responsible for the third Giza pyramid
Merneptah Fourth ruler of Egypt's Nineteenth Dynasty
Narmer Considered the founder of the First Egyptian Dynasty
Neferkare Name of several pharaohs during the Old Kingdom
Nefertiti A beautiful queen from the 14th century BC
Pepi Pharaoh of the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt
Psamtik This name marks the first ruler of the Twenty-sixth Dynasty
Rahotep This pharaoh's reign was in Egypt's Old Kingdom
Ramses Named after Pharaoh Ramses II, known for his military campaigns
Sekhemkhet Pharaoh of the Third dynasty of Egypt
Sesostris Name of several 12th Dynasty pharaohs
Seti Reflects the name of a pharaoh from the Nineteenth Dynasty
Siptah The penultimate ruler of Egypt's Nineteenth Dynasty
Sneferu The founder of the fourth dynasty of Egypt
Thutmose Significant pharaoh in Egypt's 18th dynasty
Tutankhamun In honor of the young king, often referred to as King Tut

Ancient Egyptian Gods Names

These names have historical significance and can represent strength and power, which can be a fitting choice for a dog.
Name Description
Anubis Anubis is the god of mummification and the afterlife
Atum Atum was a creator deity and god of the setting sun
Bastet Bastet was the goddess of home, fertility, and protector of the pharaoh
Geb Geb was the god of the Earth
Hathor Hathor was a sky goddess, patron of love, beauty, music, and motherhood
Horus Horus was a sky god often depicted as a falcon
Isis Isis was a protective deity, motherhood and magic
Khepri Khepri was a god of creation, rebirth, and the movement of the sun
Khnum Khnum was a potter god of creation
Maat Maat was the goddess of truth, balance, and order
Mafdet Mafdet was a goddess who protected against snakes and scorpions
Neith Neith was a war goddess and weaver of destiny
Nephthys Nephthys was a protective goddess of the dead
Nun Nun was the god of the primordial waters of chaos
Nut Nut was the sky goddess, covering the earth
Osiris Osiris was traditionally associated with the death, resurrection, and fertility
Ptah Ptah was a creator god and patron of craftsmen
Ra Ra was the sun god, considered the king of all gods
Sekhmet Sekhmet was a warrior goddess as well as goddess of healing
Set Set was a god of chaos, fire, and storms
Shu Shu was the god of air and sunlight
Sobek Sobek was a Nile god, protecter against the dangers of the river
Tefnut Tefnut was the goddess of water and fertility
Thoth Thoth was the god of wisdom and writing
Wepwawet Wepwawet was a war and hunting god, often seen as a wolf
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