Dog Names By Country >> Iraq Dog Names

Iraq Dog Names

Updated: June 02, 2024

Welcome to our unique collection of canine appellations inspired by the rich cultural heritage and history of Iraq. This cradle of civilization, located in the heart of the Middle East, possesses a fascinating blend of ancient traditions and modern influences that provide an array of distinctive naming options for your furry friend.

From the bustling streets of Baghdad to the ancient ruins of Babylon, Iraq's diverse landscapes and cities are teeming with inspiration. This compilation not only includes names drawn from famous landmarks and cities, but also from the country's unique language, food, art, and even notable personalities. This is designed for those who want to give their pets a name that stands out and reflects the beauty and depth of Iraqi culture.

Whether you have Iraqi heritage, cherish your travel memories, or simply admire the rich tapestry of Middle Eastern culture, you will find a plethora of unique and meaningful monikers for your beloved pet. Delve into this captivating assortment to find the perfect name that resonates with your dog's spirit and the profound resonances of Iraq.

Name Reason to Choose
Abbas It's a common name in Iraq, signifying respect and admiration
Adil A popular choice in Iraq, signifying 'just' or 'fair'
Adnan A common name in Iraq
Aisha This name, meaning 'life', is favored in Iraq
Akkad It was the capital of the Akkadian Empire
Ali This name is widely used in Iraq, a tribute to a significant figure in Islamic history
Alqosh A town in Nineveh Governorate, Iraq
Amir It means 'prince', and is often used in Iraq
Arbil Derives from the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan
Ashur The god of the Assyrian empire
Babil The Arabic name for Babylon
Babylon A famous ancient city in Iraq
Badr An Arabic name common in Iraq, meaning 'full moon'
Baghdad Named after Iraq's capital city
Barzan A town in Iraqi Kurdistan
Basra A city in Iraq known for its rich history
Basrah The principal port of Iraq
Bilal Named in honour of a revered figure in Islamic history
Borsippa A historical city in Iraq
Camel A tribute to the camels that traverse the desert landscapes of Iraq
Ctesiphon An ancient city located on the eastern outskirts of modern-day Baghdad
Daqduq Chosen for a town in Iraq
Date Acknowledges the importance of date palms in Iraq
Dhiqar A province in southern Iraq
Dinar Named after the currency of Iraq
Diwani A calligraphic variety of Arabic script
Duhok Named after a city in the Kurdistan Region in Iraq
Dumuzi The consort of Inanna and the shepherd god
Ehsan A common name in Iraq, signifying 'perfection' or 'excellence'
Enkidu A central figure in the Epic of Gilgamesh
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Iraqi Words

Iraq's official language is Arabic. Naming a dog with an Iraqi word can be an original and significant way to celebrate the culture.
Name Description
Ameer Ameer is an Arabic term for prince, used in Iraq
Aziz In Arabic, Aziz means strong or powerful
Fayruz Fayruz means turquoise in Arabic, a beautiful name for a pet with blue eyes
Habibi Habibi is a term of endearment, meaning 'my love' in Arabic
Hadi Hadi is an Arabic term for guide, fitting for a dog that leads the way
Hakim Hakim means wise in Arabic, a good name for a wise dog
Halal Halal is an Arabic term meaning permissible
Jamila The word 'Jamila' means beautiful in Arabic, which is spoken in Iraq
Jannah Jannah means paradise in Arabic, a heavenly name for a beloved pet
Kareem Kareem is an Arabic term for generous
Maktab Maktab translates to office in Arabic, a playful name for a dog
Malik Malik is an Arabic term for king, suitable for a dog that rules the house
Najma Najma translates to star in Arabic, a lovely name for a shining pet
Qalb Qalb means heart in Arabic, a fitting name for a beloved pet
Rafiq Rafiq is an Arabic term for friend, suitable for a dog that is a great companion
Rasha Rasha means young gazelle in Arabic, a graceful name for an agile dog
Sabah Sabah means morning in Arabic, a great name for a dog who loves the early hours
Sadiq Sadiq means truthful in Arabic, a fitting name for a loyal dog
Sahara This name reflects the arid landscapes common in Iraq
Salam Salam is an Arabic word, used in Iraq, meaning peace
Tariq Tariq is an Arabic term for the one who knocks at the door, a funny name for a dog who loves to paw at doors
Wahid Wahid in Arabic translates to unique, a perfect name for a one-of-a-kind pet
Yasmin Yasmin is Arabic for Jasmine, a pretty name for a lovely pet
Zahra Zahra means flower in Arabic, a beautiful name for a pet
Zaman Zaman means time in Arabic, a deep and philosophical name for a pet

Famous Iraqis

Naming a dog after a well-known Iraqi person can be a meaningful tribute and a conversation starter.
Name Description
Adnan After Adnan Pachachi, a prominent Iraqi politician and diplomat
Assur The ancient god of the Assyrians, named after the ancient city of Assur
Babylon Symbolizes the ancient city of Babylon, a major city of ancient Mesopotamia in the fertile plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
Baha A tribute to Baha Salamah, a renowned Iraqi footballer
Dinar Symbolizes the currency of Iraq, representing the economic identity of the country
Faisal After Faisal I of Iraq, the first King of Iraq
Gilbert In honour of Gilbert Machel, the UN's Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq
Gilgamesh The name of a famous king in ancient Mesopotamian mythology
Hammurabi A tribute to Hammurabi, an ancient Babylonian king known for the first written code of law
Husayn After Husayn ibn Ali, a figure in Islamic history and grandson of Muhammad
Mansour In honour of Mansour Muhammed, an iconic Iraqi footballer
Nabopolassar Named after Nabopolassar, a king of Babylon in ancient Iraq
Najaf The name of an important city in Iraq, significant in Islamic history
Nasiriyah The name of an Iraqi city, signifying Iraqi culture and heritage
Nebuchadnezzar After Nebuchadnezzar II, a famous king of Babylon in ancient Iraq
Nouri Inspired by Nouri al-Maliki, a former prime minister of Iraq
Qasim To honour Abdul Karim Qasim, a former prime minister of Iraq
Rashid Inspired by Harun al-Rashid, a famous caliph of the Abbasid caliphate
Saddam Named after Saddam Hussein, a former president of Iraq
Saladin In honour of Saladin, the first sultan of Egypt and Syria
Sargon A tribute to Sargon of Akkad, a famous ruler of ancient Mesopotamia
Sinan A nod to Sinan Al Shabibi, the former governor of the Central Bank of Iraq
Tariq Inspired by Tariq Aziz, a prominent Iraqi politician
Thabit In honour of Thabit ibn Qurra, an influential mathematician and astronomer from Iraq
Zaha Tribute to Zaha Hadid, an Iraqi-British architect

Iraqi Landmarks

Iraq is home to many historical and natural landmarks. These names could provide a strong, distinctive choice for a dog.
Name Description
Akad Derived from Akkadian Empire once located in Iraq
Assyria A major Mesopotamian kingdom and empire
Babylon Historical city with the famous Hanging Gardens
Baghdad This is the capital city of Iraq, a significant landmark
Basra The second largest city of Iraq
Ctesiphon Inspired by the ancient Parthian city
Dhiqar A governorate in southern Iraq
Erech Inspired by another ancient city of Sumer
Euphrates One of the two significant rivers in Iraq
Hatra An ancient city in the Ninawa Governorate
Isin An ancient city-state in Lower Mesopotamia
Karbala A city of Iraq, home to the famous Imam Husayn Shrine
Kish Derived from an ancient city of Sumer
Kufa Famous for the Great Mosque of Kufa
Mashkhab A town in the Southern Governorate of Al Muthanna
Mesopotamia Historical region located in the eastern part of the country
Najaf An important city known for the Imam Ali Shrine
Niniveh Ancient Assyrian city of great historical importance
Nippur Ancient Sumerian city of historical significance
Sumer The earliest known civilization in the historical region of southern Iraq
Tigris The other major river in the country
Ur An important city from ancient Sumerian times
Uruk One of the most important cities in ancient Mesopotamia
Ziggurat Named after the massive structures built in ancient Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq
Zubair A town in Basra Governorate, Southern Iraq

Iraqi Cuisine

Iraqi cuisine is diverse and flavorful. Naming a dog after a favorite dish could be a fun and unique choice.
Name Description
Baklava An Iraqi dessert that would make a sweet dog name
Baladi An Iraqi bread name, it's great for a domestic or 'local' dog
Bamia Named after a popular okra stew in Iraqi cuisine
Biryani This name comes from a flavorful rice dish that originated in Iraq
Dolma Inspired by a traditional stuffed vegetable dish in Iraq
Falafel A popular Middle Eastern food, it's a playful name for a puppy
Halawa A sweet dessert in Iraq, it's a cute name for a pet
Harees Named after a traditional wheat-based dish in Iraq
Humus Named after a popular Middle Eastern dip
Kebab Named after the popular Iraqi grilled meat dish
Kleicha A type of Iraqi cookie, this would make a sweet name for a dog
Kubba This name comes from a popular Iraqi dish made of minced meat and rice
Kufta This name is inspired by a dish of minced meat, common in Iraq
Masgouf This is a famous Iraqi fish dish
Mouhalabia This is a delicious milk pudding from Iraq
Pacha Named after a traditional Iraqi dish made from sheep parts
Rasasi This name is inspired by an Iraqi soup, perfect for a warm and comforting pet
Sambosa A popular pastry in Iraq, it's a fun name for a playful dog
Samoon This is a type of Iraqi bread, ideal for a light-colored dog
Shawarma A beloved street food in Iraq, it's a fun name for a dog
Tabbouleh A refreshing salad dish, it's a great name for a lively dog
Tahini A sesame paste used in many Iraqi dishes, it's a unique name for a dog
Tashrib A hearty Iraqi stew, it's a strong name for a big dog
Tikka A common name in Iraq, it also refers to a type of Kebab
Zaatar Named after a spice mix used in many Iraqi dishes

Iraqi Cities

Naming a dog after an Iraqi city can be a great way to honor the country's rich culture and history.
Name Description
Amadiya A mountainous town in Iraq, the name carries a sense of majesty
Baghdad As the capital city of Iraq, it certainly stands out
Basra The name is derived from the city known for its rich history
Diyala A province in Iraq, its name is distinctive and has a nice ring to it
Dohuk It's a quaint city in northern Iraq
Erbil The name of one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities, it carries a historical charm
Fallujah The city's name embodies strength and resilience
Haditha This western city's name is strong and distinctive
Halabja A city known for its tragic history, the name symbolizes resilience
Hilla A city in central Iraq, its name is simple and sweet
Karbala It is a city of great spiritual significance
Kirkuk This city's historical importance makes its name a unique choice
Maysan The name embodies the spirit of this southern city
Mosul Named after the city that is a significant hub for trade
Muthanna The name of a province in Iraq, it carries a sense of nobility
Najaf A religious city in Iraq, the name signifies faith and devotion
Nasiriyah The name of a city in southern Iraq, it has a unique sound
Qadisiyyah This name is derived from a historical battle, signifying bravery
Ramadi A western city in Iraq that bears a strong and resilient name
Rutba A remote city in western Iraq, its name stands out
Samara The name of a city known for its stunning architectural structures
Sulaymaniyah The city is known for its beautiful landscapes, giving the name a lovely aura
Tikrit The birthplace of famous historical figures, it's a name with gravitas
Wasit This eastern city's name is unique and catchy
Zakho A northern city in Iraq, the name is unique and catchy
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