Dog Names By Language >> Javanese Dog Names

Javanese Dog Names

Updated: June 02, 2024

Are you a pet lover who has recently adopted a dog and lives in or admires Javanese culture? Or perhaps you are just intrigued by the unique and enchanting sound of names from the Java region? Either way, you've landed on the right page. Here, we have curated a rich list of dog names, inspired by the diverse and vibrant Javanese culture, an ethnic group native to the Indonesian island of Java.

Java is known for its rich history, captivating arts scene, and a language that sings to the listener's ears. We have tapped into this cultural richness to bring you a list that is as unique as it is meaningful. This page is a dedication to all the dog owners out there who wish to give their furry friends a name that is deeply rooted in tradition, history, and culture.

You can expect to find a wide range of names here, each carrying a special meaning or significance in Javanese culture. Whether you want to name your dog after a Javanese deity, a significant historical figure, or even a common yet beautiful word in the Javanese language, we've got you covered. So, get ready to dive into the enchanting world of Javanese-inspired dog names and find the perfect moniker for your canine companion.

Name Reason to Choose
Abang This means 'red', a color symbolizing bravery
Akasia Named after a beautiful tree native to Java
Angin In Javanese, 'Angin' means 'wind', suitable for a fast runner
Arjuna A hero of the Mahabharata, his story is often told in Javanese puppet theatre
Bambu Derived from Bamboo, a plant common in Java
Batik This name is inspired by the traditional dyeing technique used in Javanese culture
Bintang Means 'star' in Javanese, a bright and shining name for a dog
Biru This means 'blue', a color symbolizing peace
Borobudur This is a famous Buddhist temple in Java
Bulan It means 'moon' in Javanese, a beautiful name for a white or light-colored dog
Cahaya It translates to 'light' in Javanese, perfect for a dog that brings light into your life
Candi This is a tribute to the many temples found in Java
Cengkir This is a type of mango in Java
Coklat This means 'chocolate', a popular sweet treat
Damar Named after a type of resin used in traditional Javanese crafts
Dapur This means 'kitchen' in Javanese, a place of warmth and sustenance
Dewi A common Javanese name meaning 'goddess', great for a dignified female dog
Durian Named after the popular tropical fruit found in Java
Eboni Refers to the 'ebony' tree in Javanese, suitable for a black-coated dog
Edelweiss This is the name of a flower that grows in the highlands of Java
Elang This Javanese term for 'eagle' represents strength and courage
Emas This means 'gold', a symbol of wealth and prosperity
Empu In Javanese this means master craftsman, perfect for a dog that's a master at tricks
Es This means 'ice', symbolizing coolness
Fajar This name means 'dawn', signifying a new beginning
Fenix This symbolizes rebirth, a common theme in Javanese mythology
Firman It means 'decree' in Javanese, an authoritative name for a commanding dog
Gajah This Javanese term for 'elephant' represents strength and loyalty
Gamelan This is a traditional Javanese musical instrument
Gudeg This is a traditional Javanese dish made from young jackfruit
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Javanese Nature Names

Java is known for its beautiful nature, and these names can capture the beauty and uniqueness of the region.
Name Description
Angin This term signifies 'wind', a common natural occurrence
Bintang This term stands for 'star', indicative of the clear Javanese night skies
Bulan This word means 'moon', a prominent feature in the night sky
Bumi This is the Javanese term for 'earth', representing the natural world
Cakrawala This word means 'horizon', a stunning feature of the Javanese landscape
Candi This term stands for 'temple', a spiritual natural monument in Java
Dewa This translates to 'god', representing the spiritual nature of the Javanese
Gerimis This translates to 'drizzle', common in Java's tropical climate
Gula This word means 'sugar', a popular crop in Java
Gunung This means 'mountain' in Javanese, a crucial part of the island's landscape
Hutan This term stands for 'forest', symbolizing the lush greenery of Java
Kawah It is a Javanese term for 'crater', representing the volcanic nature of the island
Kemuning This is a native Javanese tree, representing the island's rich flora
Langit This is the Javanese term for 'sky', a natural element common everywhere
Laut This is the Javanese term for 'sea', representing Java's coastal regions
Mega This translates to 'cloud', common in the tropical island's sky
Mentari It's the word for 'sun', a crucial part of the tropical climate
Padi This refers to 'rice' in Javanese, an essential crop in Java
Pantai This word means 'beach', a prominent feature of Java's geography
Pelangi This term signifies 'rainbow', a beautiful natural occurrence
Petir This word means 'lightning', a part of Java's tropical weather
Samudra It's a Javanese word for 'ocean', reflecting the surrounding seas
Sinar This is the Javanese word for 'ray', usually referring to sunlight
Sungai This translates to 'river', common in the Javanese landscape
Teja This term signifies 'light', a universal natural element

Javanese Mythology Names

Names drawn from Javanese mythology can be deeply symbolic and can reflect the dog's personality or appearance.
Name Description
Aditya In honor of Aditya, a solar deity in Javanese mythology
Aruna Named after the Hindu god of dawn, a figure often depicted in Javanese mythology
Baruna Named after Baruna, the Javanese god of the sea
Brama A nod to Brahma, the Hindu god of creation, revered in Javanese culture
Candra Inspired by Candra, the moon god in Javanese mythology
Dewi A common name for goddesses in Javanese mythology
Erawan Reference to the three-headed elephant that the god Indra rode in Javanese mythology
Garuda In honor of Garuda, a bird-like creature in Javanese mythology
Hanoman Derived from Hanuman, a monkey deity in Javanese mythology
Indra Taken from the Javanese mythological god of thunder and rain
Jaya After Jaya, the king of gods according to Javanese mythology
Kala Imitates Kala, the god of time and destruction in Javanese mythology
Laksmi Named in honor of Lakshmi, the Javanese goddess of wealth and prosperity
Manik Reflects Manikmaya, a mythical Javanese king
Naga Named after Naga, a serpent deity in Javanese mythology
Ongko Echoes Ongkara, a term for god in Javanese culture
Parwati Taken from Parvati, a goddess in Javanese mythology
Rama After Rama, a hero in the Javanese epic Ramayana
Shiva In honor of Shiva, a supreme god in Javanese mythology
Tirta Reflects Tirta, which signifies holy water in Javanese mythology
Uma Another name for the goddess Parvati in Javanese mythology
Vayu Derived from Vayu, the Javanese wind god
Wisnu Taken from Wisnu, a supreme god in Javanese mythology
Yama Named after Yama, the Javanese god of death
Zara Zara is short for Zaratan, a giant sea turtle in Javanese mythology

Javanese City Names

Names inspired by cities in Java can be a cool nod to the island's diverse geography and history.
Name Description
Bandung This is named in homage to the capital of West Java province in Indonesia
Banyuwangi This name represents a regency located at the easternmost end of Java
Bekasi This is a nod to the city in West Java, just to the east of Jakarta
Bogor This name mirrors the city in the West Java province, known for its botanical gardens
Cilacap This is named after a regency on the southern coast of Central Java
Cirebon This name pays tribute to a port city on the north coast of Java
Depok Named after a city located in the West Java province of Indonesia
Garut This is a tribute to a regency in the West Java province
Jember This name is a tribute to a regency in East Java
Kediri This name comes from a city located in East Java
Klaten This name is inspired by a regency in Central Java
Madiun Named after a city in the province of East Java
Magelang This is named after a city in Central Java
Malang This name is derived from a city located in the Indonesian province of East Java
Pasuruan This is named after a city in the province of East Java
Pekalongan Named after a city located in Central Java
Probolinggo This name pays tribute to a city on the north coast of East Java
Purwokerto This name is derived from a town in Banyumas Regency, Central Java
Semarang This name comes from a port city on the north coast of Java
Solo This name is inspired by the Surakarta city, also called Solo, a city in Central Java
Surabaya This name is inspired by the second largest city in Indonesia located on the island of Java
Tangerang This name represents a city in the province of Banten, located on the western end of Java
Tasikmalaya This name is inspired by a city in the province of West Java
Tegal This name pays homage to a city in the province of Central Java
Yogyakarta This is a tribute to the city known for its traditional arts and cultural heritage on the island of Java

Javanese Food Names

Naming a dog after a popular food or dish from Java can be a fun and personal way to honor the region's cuisine.
Name Description
Ayam Chicken, a common ingredient in Javanese cuisine
Bakmi Refers to noodles, a common food in Java
Bakso Refers to meatballs, a popular food in Java
Bumbu Means spice in Javanese and is used in many dishes
Daging The Indonesian word for meat, a staple in Javanese cuisine
Gudeg A type of sweet jackfruit curry originating from Java
Kacang The word for nuts in Indonesian which are often used in Javanese dishes
Ketoprak A vegetarian dish from West Java
Krupuk A popular Javanese snack, similar to a cracker
Krupuk A popular Javanese snack, similar to a cracker
Lemper A traditional Javanese dish made from glutinous rice and chicken
Lontong This is a type of compressed rice cake wrapped in a banana leaf
Mie Indonesian word for noodles, a common food in Java
Nasi Refers to rice, a staple food in Java
Opor A type of curry popular in Java
Pecel A Javanese salad with peanut sauce dressing
Pisang The Indonesian word for bananas, a common fruit in Java
Rendang A spicy meat dish that is popular in Java
Satay This is a traditional Javanese dish containing skewered, grilled meats
Sayur Indonesian word for vegetables, a common component in Javanese cuisine
Serundeng A sautéed coconut dish from Java
Soto It's a type of soup that is popular in Java
Tahu Indonesian name for tofu, commonly used in Javanese dishes
Telur Refers to eggs, a common ingredient in Javanese dishes
Tempe A soy product originating from Java

Traditional Javanese Names

These names are rooted in traditional Javanese culture and language, making them unique and meaningful choices for a dog.
Name Description
Aditya This is a traditional Javanese name meaning 'sun', perfect for a bright and lively dog
Agung This traditional name means 'great' in Javanese, perfect for a large or dominant dog
Bima 'Bima' is a traditional Javanese name from the Mahabharata epic, suitable for a brave and loyal dog
Budi The name translates to 'character' in Javanese, suitable for a dog with a strong personality
Candra In the Javanese language, it means 'moon', great for a calm and gentle dog
Dewi This is a traditional Javanese female name meaning 'goddess', suitable for a graceful dog
Eka 'Eka' means 'first' in Javanese, an ideal name for a family's first pet
Fajar This name means 'dawn' in Javanese, fitting for an early riser dog
Gita This traditional name translates to 'song' in Javanese, perfect for a dog who likes to 'sing'
Hari 'Hari' means 'day' in Javanese, suitable for a dog who brings light to your day
Indra This is a traditional Javanese name for 'rain god', great for a water-loving dog
Jaya The name translates to 'victory' in Javanese, fitting for a competitive and playful dog
Kusuma It means 'flower' in Javanese, perfect for a beautiful, delicate dog
Luh 'Luh' is a traditional Javanese female name, fitting for a small, adorable dog
Maha In Javanese, this name means 'great', great for a large breed dog
Naga This traditional name means 'dragon' in Javanese, suitable for a strong, powerful dog
Putra 'Putra' translates to 'son' in Javanese, ideal for a male dog who is like a son to the family
Raka This is a traditional Javanese male name meaning 'full moon', fitting for a white-colored dog
Surya The name means 'sun god' in Javanese, great for a bright and lively dog
Tirta 'Tirta' translates to 'holy water' in Javanese, suitable for a pure, innocent dog
Utama This traditional name means 'prime' in Javanese, perfect for a dog who is the prime joy of the family
Vira In Javanese, this name means 'hero', great for a brave, protective dog
Wira 'Wira' translates to 'warrior' in Javanese, suitable for a courageous dog
Yuda This is a traditional Javanese name meaning 'war', fitting for a strong and determined dog
Zara While not directly Javanese, 'Zara' is used in Indonesia and is fitting for a lovely, affectionate dog
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