Dog Names By City >> Kinshasa Dog Names

Kinshasa Dog Names - Page 2

Updated: May 21, 2024

Welcome to our unique collection of canine appellations inspired by the vibrant city in the heart of Africa. This city, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is a melting pot of cultures, languages, and traditions, making it an intriguing source of inspiration for your pet's name.

Whether you're a fan of the city's rich history, its diverse wildlife, or its lively music scene, you're sure to find a fitting moniker for your beloved four-legged friend. We've gathered a variety of options to cater to all tastes and preferences, reflecting both traditional and modern influences from this fascinating metropolis. So, embark on this exciting naming journey and find the perfect tag for your canine companion.

Name Reason to Choose
Haki Haki is Swahili for 'justice', a unique name for a noble dog
Heshima Heshima, meaning 'respect' in Swahili, is a dignified name for a well-behaved dog
Hodari Hodari means 'strong' in Swahili, a sturdy name for a robust and healthy dog
Huru Huru means 'free' in Swahili, a great name for a dog with a free spirit
Inuka Inuka, meaning 'rise up' in Swahili, is a powerful name for an inspiring pet
Ituri Ituri is a province in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Jambo Jambo is a Swahili greeting, a welcoming name for a friendly dog
Jasiri Jasiri is Swahili for 'brave', a noble name for a courageous dog
Jengo Jengo, which means 'building' in Swahili, symbolizes strength and stability
Jitayarishe Jitayarishe means 'get ready' in Swahili, a lively name for an energetic dog
Jua Jua means 'sun' in Swahili, a bright and cheerful name for a joyful dog
Kabilu Joseph Kabila was the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo from 2001 to 2019
Kamba In Lingala it means 'talk'
Kanzi Kanzi means 'hidden treasure' in Swahili, perfect for a precious, beloved pet
Kasai The Kasai River is a major waterway that flows through the Democratic Republic of Congo
Katanga Katanga was one of the eleven provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Kenge It's a Lingala word for 'see' which is a common command in dog training
Kesho Kesho, meaning 'tomorrow' in Swahili, is a hopeful name for a rescue dog with a new beginning
Kiboko Kiboko is Swahili for 'hippo', a lovable, goofy name for a large, cuddly dog
Kikongo Kikongo is the Bantu language spoken by the Kongo and Ndundu people living in the tropical forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Kin Kin is short for Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Kisangani Kisangani is a city on the Congo River
Kivu Kivu is a region in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Koko It's a short form for 'kokoliko', a Lingala word that means 'early morning'
Kota It translates to 'eat' in Lingala and is fitting for food-loving dogs
Kwetu Kwetu means 'our home' in Swahili, a common language in Kinshasa
Kwilu Kwilu is a province in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Lenga It's a common Lingala word meaning 'speak' which is a significant dog command
Likasi Likasi is a city in the southeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Linga It means 'to love' in Lingala, great for a dog that's easy to love
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Congolese River Names

Kinshasa is located near many rivers. Naming dogs after these rivers can be a reminder of the city's geographical beauty.
Name Description
Artis Borrowed from the Aruwimi River, a tributary of the Congo River
Bomu Inspired by the Bomu River, a river in the northeastern Congo
Busira Borrowed from the Busira River, a tributary of the Lomami River in the Congo
Fimi Named after the Fimi River, a tributary of the Kasai River
Itimbiri Inspired by the Itimbiri River, a tributary of the Congo River
Kamina Inspired by the Kamina River, a minor river in the Congo
Kasai Named after the Kasai River, the fifth longest river in Africa
Kwa Borrowed from the Kwa River, a river in the Congo Basin
Kwango Named after the Kwango River, a major river in the southwestern part of the Congo
Kwilu After the Kwilu River, a significant river in the southwestern part of the Congo
Lindi Named after the Lindi River, a river in the northeastern Congo
Lomami After the Lomami River, a significant tributary of the Congo River
Lopori After the Lopori River, a river in the northwestern Congo
Lualaba This name reflects the majesty of the Lualaba River, the greatest headstream of the Congo River
Lukenie Derived from the Lukenie River, a significant tributary of the Kasai River
Lukuga Inspired by the Lukuga River, the only outlet of Lake Tanganyika
Maiko Named after the Maiko River, a minor river in the Congo
Maringa Borrowed from the Maringa River, a tributary of the Lopori River
Ruki After the Ruki River, a tributary of the Congo River
Sankuru Inspired by the Sankuru River, a right tributary of the Kasai River
Semliki Borrowed from the Semliki River, a border river between Congo and Uganda
Tshopo Named after the Tshopo River, a river in the northeastern Congo
Tshuapa Derived from the Tshuapa River, the left tributary of the Congo River
Ubangi Named after the Ubangi River, an important tributary of the Congo River
Uele After the Uele River, the longest tributary of the Congo River

Congolese Musician Names

Congolese music, particularly from Kinshasa, is globally renowned. Naming dogs after popular musicians can be a tribute to this cultural heritage.
Name Description
Awilo In honor of Awilo Longomba, a famous Congolese musician
Bozi Inspired by Bozi Boziana, a popular Congolese musician
Choc Taken from Choc Stars, a famous Congolese soukous band
Diblo In honor of Diblo Dibala, a Congolese soukous musician
Dindo A reference to Dindo Yogo, a Congolese soukous vocalist
Faya Named after Faya Tess, a Congolese singer
Franco This is a salute to Franco Luambo, an influential Congolese musician
Jessy Taken from Jessy Matador, a Congolese-born French singer
Kanda Named after Kanda Bongo Man, a prominent Congolese soukous musician
Keita A nod to Keita Balou, a Congolese singer
Koffi Borrowed from Koffi Olomide, a popular Congolese singer
Lokua A tribute to Lokua Kanza, a renowned Congolese singer and songwriter
Lutumba A tribute to Lutumba Simaro, a Congolese musician
Makoma Inspired by Makoma, a Christian, Congolese Rumba band
Mbilia A nod to Mbilia Bel, a renowned Congolese Rumba singer
Mwamba In honor of Mwamba Dechaud, a pioneer of Congolese rumba music
Nyboma Named after Nyboma Mwan'dido, a Congolese singer
Papa A reference to Papa Wemba, a famous musician from Congo
Pepe A nod to Pepe Kalle, a popular Congolese musician
Sam In honor of Sam Mangwana, a notable Congolese musician
Simaro Paying tribute to Simaro Lutumba, a notable Congolese guitarist
Tabu Inspired by Tabu Ley Rochereau, a prominent Congolese singer and songwriter
Tshala Inspiration comes from Tshala Muana, a famous Congolese singer
Wendo Named after Wendo Kolosoy, known as the father of Congolese rumba
Zaiko Taken from Zaiko Langa Langa, a popular Congolese band

Kinshasa Landmark Names

Naming dogs after famous landmarks in Kinshasa can be a great way to show love for the city.
Name Description
Bandal Inspired by Bandalungwa, a municipality in Kinshasa
Barumbu A commune in Kinshasa, known for its vibrant community
Basoko A district in Kinshasa, known for its lively atmosphere
Brazza A nod to Brazzaville, the city across the river from Kinshasa
Funa One of the districts in Kinshasa, known for its modern architecture
Gombe Named after the affluent, diplomatic district in Kinshasa
Inga Named after the Inga Falls, a group of rapids in Congo River
Kalamu A bustling commune in Kinshasa, known for its liveliness
Kasavubu Named after a road and a neighborhood in Kinshasa
Kilamba Named after the Kilamba Kiaxi municipality in Kinshasa
Kintambo A commune in Kinshasa, known for its rich history
Kwilu A river in Kinshasa, known for its stunning views
Lemba A municipality in Kinshasa, known for its peaceful environment
Limete A borough in Kinshasa, known for its residential areas
Lingwala A district in Kinshasa, known for its cultural richness
Lukunga A district in Kinshasa, known for its beautiful landscapes
Makala A busy marketplace in Kinshasa, known for its lively atmosphere
Matonge A vibrant neighborhood in Kinshasa, famous for its nightlife
Mbinza A neighborhood in Kinshasa, known for its residential areas
Montngaliema Inspired by Mont Ngaliema, a historical site in Kinshasa
Ndjili A tribute to the N'djili river in Kinshasa
Ngaliema Inspired by the Ngaliema Bay in Kinshasa
Nsele Named after the Nsele River, a tributary of the Congo River in Kinshasa
Selembao A commune in Kinshasa, known for its diverse culture
Tshangu A district in Kinshasa, known for its local markets

Lingala Language Names

Lingala is a widely spoken language in Kinshasa. Naming dogs in Lingala can be a way to honor this cultural aspect.
Name Description
Bilema It means 'pain' in Lingala, suitable for a rescue dog that has overcome hardship
Biso This Lingala word means 'we', highlighting the togetherness between a pet and its owner
Bolingo It translates to 'love' in Lingala, perfect for a dog who is deeply loved by its family
Bomoyi Reflects the importance of a dog in one's life, as it means 'life' in Lingala
Kamba For a wandering dog, this Lingala word, meaning 'walk', is fitting
Libela In Lingala, it means 'day', making it ideal for a dog who loves the daylight
Likambo It means 'thing' in Lingala, ideal for a dog that is a significant part of your life
Lingala After the language itself, it's a great way to honor your dog's Congolese heritage
Lisolo This word means 'story' in Lingala, making it a fitting name for a dog with a unique tale
Lokolo This Lingala word means 'heart', signifying the deep emotional bond between a dog and its owner
Mabele In Lingala, this translates to 'land', perfect for a dog who loves to roam outdoors
Makasi Chosen for its meaning of 'strength' in Lingala, embodying the power of a loyal dog
Mbote A local greeting, this name is perfect for a friendly and approachable dog
Mokili It translates to 'world' in Lingala, suitable for a dog who means the world to its owner
Moto In Lingala, this translates to 'fire', suitable for a spirited and energetic dog
Mwana This means 'child' in Lingala, perfect for a dog that is treated like a baby by its family
Mwasi It means 'woman' in Lingala, ideal for a feminine and graceful dog
Nzambe This name means 'God' in Lingala, reflecting the reverence one might have for their dog
Nzela This Lingala word meaning 'path' is perfect for a dog who loves to explore
Nzoto In Lingala, it means 'body'. It's ideal for a physically strong or large dog
Pesa Signifies 'give' in Lingala, suitable for a dog who is always giving love and affection
Sika As it means 'money' in Lingala, it's suitable for a precious and valuable companion
Tala This Lingala word means 'look', making it a fitting name for a watchful dog
Yuma This Lingala name means 'praise', perfect for a dog who loves to be praised
Zola This Lingala word signifies 'love', perfect for an affectionate pet

Congolese Food Names

Naming dogs after favorite Congolese food items from Kinshasa can be a fun and unique method.
Name Description
Bitulu Represents the Congolese dish made from pork
DongoDongo A Congolese okra soup
Fufu A popular Congolese staple food
Kikanda A type of Congolese sausage
Kwanga Inspired by the Congolese cassava bread
Kwem Referring to a Congolese dish made from cassava
Liboke Named after a traditional Congolese cooking method
Likasu A term for banana in Lingala, a language in Congo
Loso A term for rice in Lingala, a language in Congo
Mabala A Congolese dish made with spinach and peanuts
Maboke A traditional fish dish in Congo
Mabundu Inspired by the Congolese dish made with spinach
Madesu Inspired by the Congolese beans dish
Makayabu A nod to the dried salted cod commonly eaten in Congo
Makayi Inspired by the corn, a common food in Congo
Makemba Influenced by the plantains often used in Congolese dishes
Makoso A Congolese dish made with okra
Mokoté A popular Congolese dish made with beef
Mwamba Inspired by the chicken peanut stew common in Congo
NgaiNgai A type of leafy vegetable often used in Congolese cuisine
Nkui Comes from a traditional Congolese stew
Ntaba Reflects the grilled goat meat, a common street food in Congo
Pondu Derived from a popular Congolese dish made of cassava leaves
SakaSaka A popular dish in Congo made from cassava leaves
Sambaza A small, sardine-like fish popular in Congo
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