Dog Names By Country >> Myanmar Dog Names

Myanmar Dog Names - Page 2

Updated: May 25, 2024

Welcome to our exclusive collection of unique and meaningful names inspired by the rich culture and diverse heritage of Myanmar, also known as Burma. Nestled in the Southeast Asian region, Myanmar is known for its significant Buddhist culture, vibrant festivals, and breath-taking landscapes. It has a diverse range of ethnic groups, each having its own unique customs, traditions, and languages, all of which serve as an abundant source of inspiration for unique names for your canine companion.

Our curated list is designed to provide you with a plethora of options that hold deep meanings, rooted in the country's history, geography, and cultural values. Whether you are looking for a name that signifies strength, love, loyalty, or any other admirable trait, you're sure to find a name that perfectly fits your new furry friend's personality or appearance. Each name in this collection carries a piece of Myanmar's soul, offering a unique and meaningful way to celebrate your dog's role in your life.

As you explore our list, let the enchanting allure of Myanmar guide you to a name that is not only unique but also rich in cultural significance. From names inspired by the country's beautiful cities and landmarks to those reminiscent of notable figures and traditional phrases, our collection ensures that your pet's name will be as special as they are to you. So, get ready to embark on a naming journey that's as exciting as the country itself.

Name Reason to Choose
Inwa An ancient imperial capital of successive Burmese kingdoms
Kachin An ethnic group in Myanmar, for dogs with strong heritage
Karen An ethnic group in Myanmar
Katha A city in Myanmar, Katha makes a unique and interesting pet name
Kawthaung A port town in Myanmar
Keng A common term in Myanmar language, Keng makes for a nice dog name
Kengtung A scenic town in Shan State
Khaing Khaing is a unique Burmese name that's unusual, making it fitting for a special pet
Khin Khin is a common term in Myanmar language and makes a lovely dog name
KO KO is a short and sweet Burmese name, commonly used for pets
Kyaikkami A resort town in the Mon State
Kyaiktiyo A well-known pilgrimage site in Myanmar
Kyaing Kyaing is a common term in Myanmar, making it a suitable dog name
Kyat This is the currency of Myanmar, making it a fitting choice
Kyauk In Burmese, it means 'stone' or 'rock'
Kyaukpyu A city in Myanmar, Kyaukpyu can make a unique name for a pet
Kyauktada A township in Myanmar, Kyauktada can make a unique name for a pet
Kyauktaw A town in the Rakhine State
Kyaw Kyaw is a traditional Burmese name, often given to males
Kyawt Kyawt is a common word in the Myanmar language, making it a fitting name for a pet
Kyin Kyin is a strong, masculine name in Burmese, suitable for a powerful and strong-willed breed
Lahpet A traditional fermented tea in Myanmar
Lashio Inspired by a town in Myanmar, Lashio makes a unique dog name
Letpadan A city in Myanmar, Letpadan makes a unique and interesting pet name
Linn Linn is a short and sweet Burmese name, commonly used for pets
Lwin Lwin is a popular name in Myanmar, often given to dogs due to its easy pronunciation
Magwe A city in Myanmar, Magwe is a unique and interesting name for a pet
Mandalay The second-largest city in Myanmar
Maung Maung is a popular Burmese name, easy to call out and perfect for a dog
Maw A common term in Myanmar language, Maw makes a nice name for a dog
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Burmese Mythology

Names from Burmese mythology can make for distinctive and powerful dog names.
Name Description
Amita Amita refers to Amitabha, a celestial buddha in Burmese mythology
Anauk Anauk is a reference to the Burmese belief in underworld spirits
Belu Belu refers to ogres in Burmese folklore
Bilu In Burmese folklore, Bilu are serpent-like spirits
Byama Byama is the old Burmese name for Brahma, a deva in Hindu mythology
Deva Deva is a term for celestial beings in Burmese mythology
Dewi Dewi is a reference to goddesses in Burmese mythology
Gandhabba Gandhabba is a term for celestial musicians in Burmese mythology
Garuda Garuda is a legendary bird in Burmese mythology
Kanbawza Kanbawza is a prominent figure in the Burmese legends
Kinnara Kinnara is a half-human half-bird creature in Burmese mythology
Makara Makara is a sea-creature in the Burmese mythology
Naga Naga is a serpent deity in Burmese mythology
Nat The term Nat refers to spirits in Burmese mythology
Paduma Paduma is a reference to a mythical flower in Burmese folklore
Pret Pret is a term for a certain type of spirit in Burmese mythology
Shinlaung Shinlaung is a guardian spirit in Burmese folk belief
Thagyamin Thagyamin is the king of the gods in Burmese mythology
Thuyathadi Thuyathadi is a goddess of knowledge in Burmese mythology
Upagupta Upagupta is a monk figure in Burmese mythology
Weizza Weizza refers to semi-immortal beings in Burmese legends
Yakkha Yakkha refers to a type of nature spirit in Burmese folklore
Yama Burmese mythology considers Yama as the god of death
Yamethin Yamethin is a mythical figure in Burmese folklore
Zawgyi Zawgyi is an alchemist and magician in Burmese folklore

Burmese Language

Choosing a name from the Burmese language can be a beautiful and meaningful way to pay tribute to Myanmar's culture.
Name Description
Aung This name means 'success' in Burmese, a good fit for an accomplished or determined dog
Bagan It's the name of a famous ancient city in Myanmar, perfect for a regal or old-soul type of dog
Hla Meaning 'beautiful' in Burmese, this name is ideal for a pretty dog
Htut Htut means 'umbrella' in Burmese, a unique choice for a dog who brings shelter and comfort
Khin Khin is a popular Burmese name, which would be a familiar and friendly choice for a dog
Kyaw This Burmese name meaning 'famous' would suit a showy, attention-loving dog
Kyin Kyin stands for 'celebration' in Burmese, ideal for a dog who brings joy and festivity into your life
Min This name, meaning 'king' in Burmese, would suit a regal or commanding dog perfectly
Moe Moe stands for 'rain' in Burmese, suitable for a dog who loves water or born in the rainy season
Mone This name has a beautiful meaning in Burmese - 'fragrance of a flower', perfect for a sweet-natured dog
Mya In Burmese, Mya stands for 'emerald', a beautiful choice for a precious dog
Myint This name meaning 'high' in Burmese could fit a tall or proud dog
Nanda Burmese word for 'great', perfect for a dog with a grand personality
Nyein In Burmese, it represents 'quiet or calm', perfect for a dog with a serene nature
Paing It's a common name in Myanmar and could be a good fit for a dog
Soe This simple, strong Burmese name could be a great choice for a dog
Thandar Thandar means 'darling' in Burmese. It's a sweet name for a beloved pet
Thant Thant is an esteemed Burmese name, making it a distinguished choice for a dog
Thet A popular male name in Myanmar, it could also be a simple, strong name for a dog
Thiha Thiha is a Burmese name meaning 'lion', great for a courageous or strong dog
Thura In Burmese language, Thura means 'brave'. This would suit a strong, protective dog
Wai In Burmese, Wai means 'good'. It would be a great name for a well-behaved dog
Yadanar This Burmese name means 'jewel', perfect for a precious pet
Zeya In Burmese, it stands for 'success'. A good name for a dog who always gets what they want
Zin Zin is a common Burmese name. It's short, easy to say, and could suit any dog

Burmese Celebrities

Naming your dog after famous Burmese celebrities can add a touch of stardom to your pet.
Name Description
Aung Inspired by Aung San Suu Kyi, a popular Burmese politician
Eain Inspired by Eaindra Kyaw Zin, a popular Burmese actress
Hlaing Named after Hlaing Maw Oo, a famous Burmese military officer
Htun Paying homage to Htun Htun Myint, a famous Burmese footballer
Khin Derived from the name of Khin Nyunt, a prominent Burmese military intelligence officer
Kyaw Comes from Min Ko Naing, a leader of the 88 Generation Students Group, whose real name is Paw U Kyaw
Kyaw Comes from Min Ko Naing, a leader of the 88 Generation Students Group, whose real name is Paw U Kyaw
Lwin A tribute to Ne Win, a Burmese military commander who served as Prime Minister
Lynn A tribute to Lynn Xiong, an actress of Burmese descent
Moe A reference to Moe Aung Yin, a famous Burmese actor
Myo Pays tribute to Myo Min, a prominent Burmese film actor
Nanda Drawn from the name of the popular Burmese actor, Nay Toe, whose real name is Nay Lin Aung
Nyo In honor of Nyo Nyo Thin, a well-known Burmese politician
Paing Inspired by Phway Phway, a famous Burmese actress, whose real name is Shwe Yee Ko Oo
Phyo In honor of Phyo Thiri Maung, a famous Burmese singer
Sai Inspired by Sai Sai Kham Leng, a popular Burmese singer and actor
San Taking from the name of Aung San, a celebrated Burmese independence hero
Soe Pays tribute to Soe Myat Thuzar, a popular Burmese actress
Thant U Thant, former Secretary-General of the United Nations, inspires this name
Thaung A tribute to Thaung Tun, a well-known Burmese diplomat
Thinzar In honor of Thinzar Wint Kyaw, a popular Burmese model and actress
Tun Named after Tun Tun, a well-known Burmese actor and comedian
Ye Comes from the name of Ye Htut, a famous Burmese politician
Zarganar Named after a famous Burmese comedian and film actor
Zin Inspired by Zin Mar Aung, a famous Burmese women's rights activist

Burmese Food

Naming your dog after popular Burmese dishes can be a unique and fun way to showcase Myanmar's rich cuisine.
Name Description
Bago Named after a Burmese city renowned for its culinary scene
Bein Inspired by Bein Moun, a Burmese pancake made from rice flour
Buthi Inspired by Buthi Kyaw, a popular Burmese street food made from gourd fritters
Dagon Inspired by a popular beer brand in Myanmar, Dagon Beer
Htamin Means 'rice' in Burmese, a staple in Burmese cuisine
Htoe As in Htoe Mont, a popular traditional Burmese dessert
Inle Named after Inle Lake in Myanmar, known for its unique food culture
Kyauk Short for Kyauk Kyaw, a Burmese coconut jelly dessert
Kyaukse Named after a town in Myanmar known for its Burmese food
Kyaw Burmese word for 'fritter', a popular component in many dishes
Kyay-Oh Named after a comforting noodle soup dish found in Burmese cuisine
Kyee Short for Kyee Oh, a popular Burmese soup with noodles and pork
Lahpet Refers to a traditional Burmese tea leaf salad
Mala Named after Malatya, a fruit preserve in Myanmar
Mandalay Inspired by the city of Mandalay, known for its rich food culture
Mohinga It's the name of a traditional Burmese fish soup, a popular breakfast dish in Myanmar
Nangyi This is a popular Burmese dish, a type of salad made with thick round rice noodles
Ngapi A Burmese fish paste, a key ingredient in many dishes
Ohno Refers to Ohn no khao swè, a Burmese dish with noodles in a coconut milk broth
Palata A Burmese paratha, a flaky multi-layered bread served with curry or sugar
Pone Inspired by Pone Yay Gyi, a traditional Burmese soybean paste
Shan Named after Shan noodles, a traditional dish from the Shan state in Myanmar
Shwe Means 'gold' in Burmese, also a prefix for many Burmese dishes
Taunggyi A city in Myanmar known for its unique Burmese dishes
Thoke Means 'salad' in Burmese, a common component in Burmese cuisine

Burmese Landmarks

Naming your dog after famous Burmese landmarks can be a great way to honour your dog's Myanmar roots.
Name Description
Ananda A tribute to Ananda Temple, a Buddhist temple in Bagan
Bagan Named after the ancient city in Myanmar known for its temples
Chauk Named after Chauk Htat Gyi Buddha Temple in Yangon
Dhammayangyi A tribute to Dhammayangyi Temple, the largest temple in Bagan
Hpa Derived from Hpa-An, the capital of Kayin State
Inle This name represents Inle Lake, a famous freshwater lake in Myanmar
Kuthodaw Inspired by Kuthodaw Pagoda, home to the world's largest book
Kyauk Inspired by Kyauk Ka Lat Pagoda, a unique rock formation
Mandalay Named after the second-largest city in Myanmar
Mingun Taken from Mingun, a town in Mandalay known for its temples
Monywa Inspired by the city of Monywa in central Myanmar
Mrauk Mrauk U is an archaeologically important town in Myanmar
Natma After Nat Ma Taung, the highest peak in Chin State
Pathein Inspired by the city of Pathein in Ayeyarwady Division
Pindaya This name is inspired by the famous Pindaya Caves, a Buddhist pilgrimage site
Popa Named after Mount Popa, an extinct volcano
Pyay Pyay is a city in the Irrawaddy River Valley in Myanmar
Pyin Named after Pyin Oo Lwin, a resort town in Myanmar
Sagaing Named after Sagaing, an important religious and monastic center
Shwedagon Shwedagon Pagoda, a golden stupa, inspires this name
Sule Taken from Sule Pagoda, a landmark in the heart of Yangon
Taunggyi Named after the capital city of Shan State
Thanlyin Derived from a port city of Myanmar
Thibaw Taken from Thibaw, a town in Shan State
Uppatasanti The name represents Uppatasanti Pagoda, a landmark in Naypyidaw
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