Dog Names By Language >> Russian Dog Names

Russian Dog Names - Page 3

Updated: May 18, 2024

????? ??????????! As you embark on the exciting journey of welcoming a new canine companion into your life, choosing the ideal moniker that reflects their personality, charm, and breed can be a task. This page is especially dedicated to those who are inspired by the rich culture, history, and language of the largest country in the world, Russia.

Whether you've adopted a robust Siberian Husky, a brave Russian Terrier, or any lovable breed, a Russian-inspired name could be a perfect match. The names listed on this page are deeply rooted in the beautiful country's traditions and folklore. They're not only unique and rare but also hold meaningful symbolism.

So why not delve deeper and explore these distinctive names? You might just find the perfect one that resonates with your new furry friend's spirit and grace. From names inspired by Russian nature, significant historical figures, to common names in Russian society, this page will offer you an array of choices. Let's embark on this fascinating journey together.

Name Reason to Choose
Medved It's the Russian word for bear
Mikhail It's a classic Russian name
Misha Often used as a pet name in Russia
Molniya Inspired by the Russian word for lightning
Moloko Inspired by the Russian word for milk
Moroz Inspired by the Russian word for frost
Nadia A common female name in Russia
Nebesa It means heaven in Russian
Neva Named after a river in Russia
Nikita Name of a famous Russian film
Nikolai It's a classic Russian name
Obi Named after a river in Russia
Oblako Translates to cloud
Oleg It's a popular name in Russia
Olga A classic female name in Russia
Pavel Pavel is a popular name in Russia
Perla Translates to pearl in Russian
Pirogi A type of filled dumpling common in Russia
Pravda It means 'truth' in Russian
Ptitsa It means bird in Russian
Pyotr It's the Russian form of Peter
Radost Translates to joy
Raduga It's the Russian term for rainbow
Raketa It's the Russian term for rocket
Rasputin Named after the infamous Russian mystic
Rodion It's a popular name in Russia
Roman It's a common name in Russia
Rubin This term means ruby
Ruble The official currency of Russia
Rus Stems from the Old East Slavic region
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Russian Mythology Names

These names can add a touch of mystery and history to your dog's identity, as they are taken from ancient Russian myths and folktales.
Name Description
Baba Inspired by Baba Yaga, a famous witch in Russian folklore
Belobog Belobog is a Slavic deity, whose name means 'white god'
Chernobog Chernobog is a Slavic deity, whose name means 'black god'
Dazhbog Dazhbog is a solar deity in Slavic mythology
Ded Named after Ded Moroz, the Russian Santa Claus
Dobroslav Dobroslav is a mythical Slavic hero
Ilya Ilya Muromets is a heroic character in Russian epic poems
Jarovit Jarovit is a Slavic god of war and fertility
Koschei Koschei the Deathless is a legendary figure in Russian mythology
Lada Lada is the goddess of beauty in Russian mythology
Mokosh Inspired by Mokosh, the Slavic goddess of fertility and women's work
Morana Named after Morana, the Slavic goddess of winter and death
Morena Morena is a Slavic goddess of death and rebirth
Perun Named after the Slavic god of thunder and lightning
Porevit Porevit is a Slavic god of forests and wildlife
Radegast Radegast is a god of hospitality and mutuality in Slavic mythology
Rod Rod is the god of family and ancestry in Slavic mythology
Stribog Stribog is the Slavic god of winds, air, and sky
Svantovit Svantovit is a Slavic god of war, fertility, and abundance
Svarog Svarog is the Slavic god of celestial fire and blacksmithing
Triglav Triglav is a three-headed Slavic god
Veles Veles is the Slavic god of earth, water, and the underworld
Yarilo Yarilo is the Slavic god of war and spring
Zirnitra Zirnitra is a dragon god in Wendish mythology
Zorya Zorya is the name for two guardian goddesses in Slavic mythology

Russian Food Names

These names can be cute and fun, and they can also reflect your love of Russian cuisine.
Name Description
Blini These are small, thin pancakes common in Russia
Borscht This is a traditional beetroot soup in Russia
Buzhenina A traditional Russian pork roast
Golubtsy A Russian dish of stuffed cabbage rolls
Grebeshok A popular seafood dish in Russia, made from crab
Kasha A common breakfast cereal in Russia
Kefir A fermented milk drink similar to yogurt, common in Russia
Kompot A sweet drink made from boiled fruit, common in Russia
Kotlet A meat patty in Russian cuisine
Kvass A traditional fermented beverage in Russia
Medovik A layered honey cake in Russia
Okroshka A cold soup popular in Russia
Pelmeni This is a type of dumpling in Russian cuisine
Pirog A popular pie in Russia, often stuffed with a variety of fillings
Pirozhki Small stuffed buns from Russia
Salo A traditional Slavic food, usually cured slabs of fatback
Shashlik Skewered and grilled cubes of meat, popular in Russia
Smetana A type of sour cream in Russia
Soljanka A thick, spicy and sour Russian soup
Syrniki A pancake made from cheese, common in Russia
Tvorog A type of cheese used in many Russian foods
Ukha A clear Russian soup, made from various types of fish
Vareniki A type of dumpling, filled with anything from cheese to fruit
Vatrushka A type of Russian pastry
Zakuski A type of Russian appetizer

Russian Literature Names

Russian literature is rich and varied, and there are many strong and unique names that can be taken from Russian novels and poems.
Name Description
Akhmatova Anna Akhmatova was one of the most significant Russian poets of the 20th century
Aksakov Sergei Aksakov was a 19th-century Russian literary figure
Babel Isaac Babel was a Russian language journalist, playwright, and short story writer
Brodsky Joseph Brodsky was Russian and American poet and essayist
Bulgakov Mikhail Bulgakov was a Russian writer and playwright
Bunin Ivan Bunin was the first Russian writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature
Chekhov Anton Chekhov was a renowned Russian playwright and short story writer
Dostoevsky Fyodor Dostoevsky was a famous Russian novelist
Esenin Sergei Esenin was a Russian lyric poet
Gogol Nikolai Gogol was a Russian dramatist of Ukrainian origin
Gorky Maxim Gorky was a Russian and Soviet writer, a founder of the socialist realism literary method
Karamzin Nikolay Karamzin was a Russian writer, poet and historian
Lermontov Mikhail Lermontov was a Russian romantic writer
Mandelstam Osip Mandelstam was a Russian poet and essayist
Mayakovsky Vladimir Mayakovsky was a Russian and Soviet poet and playwright
Nabokov Vladimir Nabokov was a Russian-born novelist
Pasternak Boris Pasternak was a Russian poet, novelist, and literary translator
Pushkin Alexander Pushkin is considered the founder of modern Russian literature
Sholokhov Mikhail Sholokhov was a Soviet/Russian novelist and winner of the 1965 Nobel Prize for Literature
Solzhenitsyn Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a Russian novelist, historian, and critic of Soviet totalitarianism
Tolstoy This name comes from Leo Tolstoy, one of Russia's greatest authors
Tsvetaeva Marina Tsvetaeva was a Russian and Soviet poet
Turgenev Ivan Turgenev was a Russian novelist and playwright
Zamyatin Yevgeny Zamyatin was a Russian author of science fiction and political satire
Zoshchenko Mikhail Zoshchenko was a Soviet author and satirist

Russian Geographic Names

Naming your dog after a Russian city, river, or mountain can be a unique and meaningful choice.
Name Description
Altai This mountain range in Russia provides the name
Arbat Named after a famous street in Moscow
Baltika Named after the Baltic region
Chelyabinsk This one is named after a city in the Ural mountains
Irkutsk A city in Siberia gives this name
Kamchatka This one is named after the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia
Kazan Takes its name from the largest city in the republic of Tatarstan
Kirov It's named after a city in western Russia
Kola Named after the Kola Peninsula in the far north of Russia
Kremlin Inspired by the historic fortified complex in the heart of Moscow
Kursk It's named after a city in western Russia
Moskva Named after the capital of Russia, Moscow
Novgorod A historic city in Russia lends its name
Omsk It's the name of one of Russia's largest cities
Petersburg This one is named after Russia's second-largest city
Rostov This name is inspired by the city of Rostov-on-Don
Samara A city in Russia that sits along the Volga River
Siberia This vast geographical region in Russia lends its name
Smolensk A city in western Russia gives this name
Sochi It's named after a famous resort city
Tula It's named after a city south of Moscow
Ural This mountain range that runs through Russia provides the name
Vladivostok This name is inspired by the city at the end of the Trans-Siberian railway
Volga This one is named after the longest river in Europe
Yaroslavl It's named after a city in western Russia

Russian Human Names

These names are often used for humans in Russia, and can also be used to give a unique touch to your pet's name.
Name Description
Alexei It's a traditional male name in Russia, and was the name of the last Tsar's son
Anastasia It's a popular female name in Russia, dating back to the Romanov family
Andrei A traditional male name in Russia, it's the equivalent of Andrew in English
Anton It's a commonly used male name, reminiscent of the famous writer Anton Chekhov
Boris Boris is a classic male name in Russia, linked to Boris Godunov, the tsar in the 16th century
Dmitri It's a timeless male name in Russia, stemming from the Greek goddess Demeter
Elena This female name is popular in Russia, it's the Russian form of Helen
Galina This female name is popular in Russia, and was borne by many famous Russian women
Irina A classic female name in Russia, it's the Russian form of Irene and means 'peace'
Ivan This name is the Russian equivalent of John; it has a long history and continues to be favored
Katerina This is a classic female name in Russia, similar to the English Katherine
Kirill A classic male name in Russia, it has religious significance, being the name of a saint
Ludmila This female name is a favorite in Russia, dating back to a revered saint
Mikhail This name is derived from the archangel Michael and is a common name in Russia
Nadia Popular female name in Russia, it's short for Nadezhda, which means 'hope'
Natasha A common female name in Russia, it's the diminutive form of Natalia
Nikolai Historically, this name is associated with Tsar Nikolai II, the last Russian emperor
Olga This female name is a classic in Russia, and was borne by the country's first female saint
Pavel A common male name in Russia, associated with many renowned figures
Sergei Many notable Russians have borne this name, from scientists to athletes
Sofia This female name is popular in Russia, it's derived from the Greek word for 'wisdom'
Tatiana A popular female name in Russia, it's associated with the fairy tale 'Tatiana Day'
Vladimir A popular name for boys, it's been the name of many famous Russians, including leaders and writers
Yaroslav A classic male name in Russia, it was the name of a revered Grand Prince
Yuri Associated with the famous astronaut Yuri Gagarin, it's a popular male name
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