Welcome to our dedicated page, a unique compilation specifically curated for our speckled canine friends. Whether your delightful pup is a Dalmatian, an Australian Cattle Dog, or any breed adorned with dots, dashes, or blotches, we understand how their distinct coat patterns make them extra special. Their charming appearances deserve equally charming titles that mirror their individuality.
It can be a challenge to find a name that truly captures the essence of your polka-dotted pal. This is why we've compiled an extensive list to help you select a moniker as unique as your pet's coat. We believe that every spot, patch, or splash of color on your pet's fur is a part of their identity. The names you're about to discover are inspired by their distinct markings, the world around us, and popular culture. Let's find a name that pays tribute to your dappled friend's uniqueness and character.
Explore, enjoy, and be inspired. Here's to finding the perfect name that your spotted companion can proudly wear!
Name | Reason to Choose |
Marshall | the spotted dalmatian fire pup from 'PAW Patrol' |
Melman | the giraffe from 'Madagascar' |
Merle | a dog coat pattern that involves patches of color |
Mittens | a type of glove |
Moo | Some cattle have colored patches on their coat |
Mosaic | This name is suitable for a dog with spots that form a lovely pattern, just like a mosaic |
Moteado | is Spanish for spotted |
Motley | means varied in appearance |
Muffin | If your dog's spots remind you of the ones on a blueberry muffin, this name could be a sweet choice |
Nimbus | a type of cloud that produces precipitation |
Oreo | a black and white sandwich cookie |
Othello | a game of strategy involving white and black discs |
Otis | the spotted cow and leader from the movie 'Barnyard' |
Pac-Man | an arcade game that's all about consuming dots |
Paisley | a textile design with teardrop shapes |
Patches | means a part of something that stands out due to a certain characteristic |
Pebbles | A dog with small, round spots might remind one of pebbles, making it a fitting name |
Peng | a snow leopard cub from 'Kung Fu Panda' |
Pepper | means to cover with a lot of something |
Perdita | mother of the puppies from '101 Dalmatians' |
Phango | the leopard and main character from the movie 'Khumba' |
Pied | means having multiple colors |
Pinto | This name means 'painted' in Spanish, and can be a nice fit for a dog with spots |
Piper | Pied Piper - a German folk tale character, pied means having two colors |
Pixel | the tiny areas of illumination on your screen |
Polka | polkadot is a pattern of round dots on fabric |
Pong | an early Atari game that involved hitting a small white dot back in forth |
Pongo | father of the puppies from '101 Dalmatians' |
Poppyseed | A cute name for a small dog with tiny black spots |
Pox | a spotty rash |
1 2 3 4 |
Name | Description |
Chai | In Hebrew, the word means 'life' but it also refers to the spots on a leopard |
Dottie | It's an English name that means 'gift of God' and also refers to a small spot |
Fläck | This Swedish term means 'spot' or 'stain' |
Fleck | The term in German means 'spot' |
Folt | In Hungarian, this word means 'spot' or 'stain' |
Kropki | The word in Polish means 'dots' or 'spots' |
Lente | In Afrikaans, this word stands for 'dot' or 'spot' |
Macchia | This Italian name refers to a 'stain' or 'spot' |
Makka | This name in Finnish means 'spot' or 'stain' |
Moteado | In Spanish, this term refers to something that is 'speckled' |
Mrlja | In Croatian, this term means 'stain' or 'blotch' |
Pete | It's a French word that means 'spot' or 'blotch' |
Petek | This Slovenian term means 'fleck' or 'spot' |
Pikku | This Finnish name means 'small' referring to small spots |
Pinto | The term 'pinto' in Spanish refers to something spotted or multicolored |
Plamka | This Polish name means 'speck' or 'spot' |
Plek | The word in Dutch refers to a 'spot' |
Plekje | The term in Dutch means 'little spot' |
Plett | This name in Norwegian means 'stain' or 'spot' |
Pongo | The name is from the spotted Dalmatian in Disney's '101 Dalmatians' in English |
Pria | In Estonian, this word refers to a 'spot' |
Punto | This word in Italian means 'point' or 'spot' |
Tache | In French, this word means 'spot' |
Täplä | This Finnish term means 'spot' |
Tocka | This Slovenian name means 'dot' or 'point' |
Name | Description |
Birch | Birch trees have spotted bark, making this a fitting name for a spotted dog |
Bongo | This wild antelope is known for its spotted coat |
Cheetah | Cheetahs are known for their spotted coats |
Daisy | Flowers often have spots, and daisies are a classic choice |
Dalmatian | The breed itself is known for its spots |
Freckle | Reminiscent of sun-kissed skin, this name is perfect for a spotted dog |
Giraffe | These tall creatures are famous for their spotted coats |
Hyena | This wild dog is known for its spotted coat |
Jaguar | Named for the big cat known for its beautiful spotted coat |
Koi | Koi fish are often spotted, making this a good fit for a dog with spots |
Leopard | The coat of a leopard is covered in distinctive spots |
Lynx | Named after the wild cat with a spotted coat |
Mackerel | Named after the spotted fish |
Marble | This name is inspired by the natural stone known for its unique, often spotted patterns |
Mushroom | Some mushrooms in the wild are spotted |
Ocelot | This wild cat's fur is famously spotted |
Orchid | Many orchids are spotted, making this an elegant, natural choice |
Pebble | It is reminiscent of the small, spotted stones found on a beach |
Pinto | Pinto beans are spotted and could inspire a natural dog name |
Quail | Named for the bird with a spotted coat |
Serval | This wild cat is known for its spotted coat |
Speckle | This name comes from the tiny spots or marks found on many things in nature |
Starling | Starlings have spotted feathers |
Tiger | Some tigers have spots instead of stripes |
Trout | Named for the spotted freshwater fish |
Name | Description |
Caramel | A wonderful name for a dog with light brown spots |
Cheesecake | A delightful name for a light-colored dog with darker spots, like a cheesecake with fruit topping |
Chip | This name is apt for a dog with small, dark spots like chocolate chips |
Cocoa | A fitting name for a dog with brown spots, recalling the rich color of hot chocolate |
Cookie | This can be perfect for a dog with spots that look like chocolate chips in a cookie |
Crumble | This name could suit a dog with spots that are irregular and scattered, like a crumble topping |
Cupcake | A sweet name for a dog with a variety of colored spots, much like the colorful toppings on a cupcake |
Fudge | A great name for a dog with dark, chocolate-like spots |
Ginger | For a dog with reddish-brown spots, like the color of ginger spice |
Latte | This name might suit a dog whose spots remind you of coffee mixed with cream |
Marshmallow | A fluffy white dog with light spots might remind you of marshmallows in hot cocoa |
Mocha | For a dog whose spots are a mix of light and dark brown, like a mocha coffee |
Muffin | For a dog whose spots remind you of blueberries in a muffin |
Oreo | This name is perfect for a black and white spotted dog, just like this delicious biscuit |
Peanut | This could be a cute name for a small, brown-spotted dog |
Pepper | A dog with black or grey spots could be named after this common spice |
Pistachio | For a dog with unique greenish-brown spots |
Popcorn | This can be a fun name for a white dog with yellow spots |
Pudding | The mix of colors in a spotted dog can remind us of a delicious, mixed-flavor pudding |
Raisin | A fitting name for a dog with small, dark spots |
Sesame | For a dog with small, light spots like sesame seeds |
Sorbet | This name could be perfect for a dog with pastel-colored spots |
Sprinkles | This name will suit a dog with a smattering of spots, much like a donut topped with sprinkles |
Truffle | A fancy name for a dog with dark, rich spots |
Walnut | A wonderful name for a brown-spotted dog, reminding us of the nut’s rich color |
Name | Description |
Appaloosa | A distinctive name for a spotted dog, inspired by the spotted horse breed known for its colorful coat patterns |
Butterfly | A whimsical name for a spotted dog, inspired by the delicate insects with intricate, spotted wing patterns |
Cheetah | A fitting name for a spotted dog with a speedy, agile nature, much like the fast and graceful feline |
Dartfrog | A vibrant name for a spotted dog, inspired by the small, brightly colored amphibians with distinctive spots |
Gecko | A quirky name for a spotted dog, inspired by the small, spotted lizards known for their adhesive feet and vibrant colors |
Giraffe | A playful name for a spotted dog, especially if it has long legs, inspired by the tallest mammal with distinct spotted patterns |
Grouper | A fitting name for a spotted dog, inspired by the large, colorful fish with a variety of spots and patterns |
Hyena | A bold name for a spotted dog, inspired by the spotted hyena, known for its laughter-like vocalizations and unique appearance |
Jaguar | An exotic and powerful name for a spotted dog, inspired by the large, stealthy feline native to the Americas |
Koi | An elegant name for a spotted dog, inspired by the ornamental fish with beautiful, colorful patterns |
Ladybug | A charming name for a spotted dog, inspired by the small, spotted beetles known for their vibrant red and black colors |
Leopard | A strong, regal name for a spotted dog, inspired by the large, spotted wildcat known for its beauty and strength |
Lynx | A sleek name for a spotted dog, inspired by the wildcat species with tufted ears and distinctive fur patterns |
Ocelot | A unique name for a spotted dog, inspired by the small, nocturnal wildcat with striking coat patterns |
Peacock | A flamboyant name for a spotted dog, inspired by the bird with eye-catching, iridescent spots on its tail feathers |
Pufferfish | A fun name for a spotted dog, inspired by the unique fish known for its ability to inflate and display various patterns |
Quoll | A unique name for a spotted dog, inspired by the small, nocturnal marsupial native to Australia, known for its spotted fur |
Tapir | An unusual name for a spotted dog, inspired by the herbivorous mammal with distinct markings on its body |
Tortoise | A wise and steady name for a spotted dog, inspired by the long-lived reptile with patterned shells |
Zorse | A unique and striking name for a spotted dog, inspired by the hybrid offspring of a zebra and a horse, known for its zebra-like stripes and spots |
Name | Description |
Blaze | 101 Dalmatians - Blaze is a courageous Dalmatian puppy from the 101 Dalmatians book, ideal for a brave and spirited dog |
Dalmie | Fairy Tail - Dalmie is a spotted dog from the manga and anime series, perfect for a magical and enchanting pet |
Dipstick | 101 Dalmatians - Dipstick is one of Pongo and Perdita's puppies known for his tail with a black tip resembling a paintbrush |
Dot | Dot and the Kangaroo - Dot is a spotted kangaroo from the book and animated film, great for a bouncy and energetic dog |
Dottie | Doc McStuffins - Dottie is a spotted plush dog from the children's show, perfect for a sweet and comforting pet |
Freckleface | Clifford's Puppy Days - Freckleface is a spotted dog from the animated series, perfect for a dog with a playful and friendly personality |
Freckles | 101 Dalmatians - Freckles is a Dalmatian puppy with a unique pattern of spots on his face, perfect for a dog with distinctive markings |
Jester | Skylanders - Jester is a spotted dog character from the video game series, great for a fun-loving and energetic canine companion |
Lottie | The Princess and the Frog - Lottie is a spotted dog from the movie, perfect for a pet with a regal and elegant demeanor |
Lucky | 101 Dalmatians - Lucky is another one of Pongo and Perdita's puppies, known for his determination and resilience |
Mars | Milo and Otis - Mars is a spotted dog from the film, great for a loyal and friendly canine companion |
Mooch | Lady and the Tramp II - Mooch is a scruffy, spotted dog from the movie, perfect for a rugged-looking pet with a heart of gold |
Oddball | 102 Dalmatians - Oddball is a spotless Dalmatian puppy from the sequel, ideal for a dog with a unique or rare coat pattern |
Patch | 101 Dalmatians - Patch is one of Pongo and Perdita's puppies known for his adventurous spirit and distinctive black patch |
Perdita | 101 Dalmatians - Perdita is the devoted mother of the Dalmatian puppies and Pongo's mate |
Polka | Blue's Clues - Polka is a spotted dog character from the children's show, great for a curious and intelligent pet |
Pongo | 101 Dalmatians - Pongo is the brave and loving father of the Dalmatian puppies in this classic Disney film |
Puddles | Pound Puppies - Puddles is a spotted dog from the animated series, great for a loving and nurturing canine companion |
Rolly | 101 Dalmatians - Rolly is a plump and always-hungry Dalmatian puppy from the movie, perfect for a food-loving dog |
Sparky | Lilo & Stitch - Sparky is a spotted alien experiment from the animated film and series, perfect for a playful and energetic dog |
Speck | Paw Patrol - Speck is a spotted dog character from the children's show, great for a helpful and dependable pet |
Speckle | Animal Crossing - Speckle is a spotted dog villager from the popular video game, perfect for a cheerful and sociable pet |
Spotty | Superted - Spotty is an alien with spots from the animated series, great for a dog with an otherworldly charm |
SpottyWot | The WotWots - SpottyWot is a spotted alien from the children's TV show, ideal for a dog with a quirky and unique personality |
Image | Comment |
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Remington after ammo because setters are know for bird hunting.Also he loves food just like the rat Remi from ratatouille the movie. |
Name | Reason |
Biscuit | Because having spots is bad enough without having a name that reminds you of the fact !! |
Oreo | a cute name that also reffers to the food oreos! |
Markin | I just rewatched Madagascar so... It was really fun and if you havent watched it yet you should Markin is the big tall girafe btw Okay have a good day now!!!!!! |
We would like to take this time to thank all of our visitors that make DogNamed.com the best dog naming resource on the web. Our site would not be where it is today without your suggestions, ratings, and photo submissions. So pat yourselves on the back for a job well done and keep up the good work! If you have any comments, suggestions, or ideas for the this page or any part of our site, don't hesitate to drop us a line on our Contact Page. Thank you! -The DogNamed Team