Dog Names By Century >> 2nd Century Dog Names

2nd Century Dog Names - Page 3

Updated: June 19, 2024

Delving into the fascinating realm of antiquity, we uncover the charming tradition of naming our four-legged companions that dates back centuries. The period of interest is the 2nd Century AD, a time where civilization witnessed significant growth in various aspects. The dog, man's loyal friend, was not left behind and the names given to these treasured pets during this era reflect the rich cultural and historical depth of the period.

As we explore these unique and distinctive names, it's interesting to note how they often echo the lifestyle, values, and beliefs of the people during the 2nd Century. Rooted in languages such as Latin and Greek, these names offer a captivating glimpse into the past. Each name carries a story, an essence of the world as it was during the time. Be prepared to be transported back in time and relish in the ancient sophistication that these pet names embody.

This page is dedicated to honoring these historical names and their origins. It serves as a guide for those who appreciate the beauty of antiquity and wish to bestow upon their pets a name that is not only unique, but also carries the weight of historical significance. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a dog lover, or simply someone in search of a meaningful name for your new pet, this collection of 2nd Century dog names will surely inspire and intrigue.

Name Reason to Choose
Hercules Named after the Roman hero and god
Hermes The Greek god of trade, heraldry, merchants, and travelers
Hippolytus Hippolytus, a mythological figure who was a great hunter, is an apt name for an active and athletic dog
Horace Named after the Roman poet, Horace
Horatius Named after a celebrated Roman poet, this name is perfect for a dog with a calm and thoughtful nature
Icarus A figure from Greek mythology who flew too close to the sun
Janus Named after the Roman god of doors and beginnings, this is a suitable name for a dog that marks a new phase in the owner's life
Julia Named after the daughter of Julius Caesar
Julius A tribute to Julius Caesar
Juno The Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth
Jupiter The king of the Roman gods
Justus A common name in Roman times, it means 'just' or 'fair'
Laelius A prominent patrician family in Rome, this name is fitting for a dog of noble breeding
Lepidus This Roman name, meaning 'charming', is perfect for a dog with a friendly and endearing nature
Ligarius This Roman name, belonging to a famous orator, is suitable for a vocal and expressive dog
Livia In honor of Livia Drusilla, Augustus' wife
Livius In honor of the Roman historian, Livius
Lucius One of the consuls of Rome during this period
Lucretia Named after a noblewoman in Roman history, this name befits a female dog of noble and calm demeanor
Lucullus Inspired by the Roman consul, Lucullus
Lupus In Latin, it means 'wolf', a creature revered by Romans
Marcellus This Roman name, belonging to several prominent men, is a fitting name for a dog with a noble and dignified demeanor
Marcus After Marcus Aurelius, a prominent Roman Emperor
Marius In honor of the Roman general, Marius
Martialis A Roman poet from the 1st century, his works remained popular in the 2nd century
Maximus It was a common name in Roman times, meaning 'greatest'
Mercury A Roman god associated with speed and agility
Midas A legendary king from Greek mythology with the ability to turn everything he touched into gold
Minerva The Roman goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare
Naso This Roman name, meaning 'nose', is a humorous and endearing name for a dog with a large or prominent nose
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Ancient City Names

There were many ancient cities during the 2nd century. These names could provide a sense of history and culture.
Name Description
Alexandria A powerful city in Egypt named after Alexander the Great
Antioch An important city of the ancient Roman Empire, located in modern-day Turkey
Athens Athens, the capital of Greece, is a city that thrived in ancient times
Babylon A city from ancient Mesopotamia, one of the earliest civilizations
Byzantium Early name for Istanbul, a crucial city in the 2nd Century
Cappadocia An area in Turkey, known for its unique geological, historical, and cultural features
Carthage Ancient city-state on the coast of Tunisia, a major power during the 2nd Century
Cnidus An ancient Greek city in Anatolia, known for its medical school
Corinth An ancient city in Greece, famous for its architectural and cultural influence
Crete The largest island in Greece, known for its ancient Minoan civilization
Cyrene An ancient Greek and Roman city in Libya, known for its temple of Apollo
Delphi An important ancient Greek city, known for its oracle
Ephesus Known for its Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Hierapolis An ancient city in Phrygia, known for its thermal springs
Memphis An ancient city of Egypt, known for its temples and pyramids
Mycenae An archaeological site in Greece, once a major center of Greek civilization
Olympia An ancient Greek city, known for its Olympic games
Pergamon An influential city-state in ancient Greece
Pompeii An ancient Roman city, known for being preserved under volcanic ash
Rhodes An island city in Greece, known for the Colossus of Rhodes
Roma This name is derived from the capital of Italy, Rome, which has a rich history dating back to the 2nd Century
Sparta Coming from the warrior city of ancient Greece
Syracuse An ancient city on the island of Sicily, known for its rich Greek history
Thebes Thebes was a significant city in ancient Egypt
Troy Famous ancient city, known for the legendary Trojan War

2nd Century Saints Names

Many saints lived during the 2nd century. These names can represent faith and virtue.
Name Description
Anicetus Named after Pope Anicetus, who led the Church in the mid-2nd century
Apollinaris Derived from Apollinaris Claudius, a Greek apologist from the 2nd century
Aristides Originates from Aristides of Athens, a 2nd century Christian apologist
Athenagoras Named after Athenagoras of Athens, an early Christian apologist
Clement Attributed to Saint Clement of Alexandria, a leading figure in early Christian theology
Eleutherius Named after Pope Eleutherius, a 2nd-century leader of the Church
Hermas Inspired by Hermas of Rome, who was a Christian author during this period
Hyginus Originates from Pope Hyginus, the head of the Church in the mid-2nd century
Ignatius Named after Ignatius of Antioch, a well-known saint in the 2nd century
Irenaeus This is the name of a prominent Christian theologian from the 2nd century
Justin A name inspired by Justin Martyr, a Christian apologist from the 2nd century
Melito Derived from Melito of Sardis, a Christian bishop and apologist from the 2nd century
Montanus Inspired by Montanus, a Christian movement leader in the 2nd century
Pantenus Named after Pantenus, a Christian theologian who was a missionary to India
Papias Associated with Papias of Hierapolis, an early Christian bishop
Pinytus Inspired by Pinytus, a Christian bishop who wrote notable letters to Dionysius of Corinth
Polycarp This name is derived from Saint Polycarp, who was a bishop in the 2nd century
Pothinus Derived from Pothinus of Lyon, a Christian bishop in the 2nd century
Quadratus A name derived from Quadratus of Athens, a 2nd-century Christian apologist
Soter Attributed to Pope Soter, the leader of the Church during the mid-2nd century
Symphorosa Derived from Saint Symphorosa, a Christian martyr from the 2nd century
Telesphorus Inspired by Pope Telesphorus, who led the Church in the 2nd century
Valentine Attributed to Saint Valentine, a Christian martyr from this period
Victor Inspired by Pope Victor I, a prominent figure in the Church during the 2nd century
Zephyrinus Inspired by Pope Zephyrinus, who led the Church at the turn of the 3rd century

Ancient Gladiator Names

Gladiators were popular during the 2nd century. These names can symbolize strength and courage.
Name Description
Achilles A name derived from the famous Greek hero of the Trojan War, embodying strength and bravery
Ajax A Greek mythological hero known for his courage and fierceness in battle
Ares The Greek god of war, representing strength and courage
Atlas A Titan in Greek mythology who was condemned to hold up the sky for eternity, symbolizing endurance
Brutus A significant figure in the Roman Republic who was known for his courage
Caesar A title used by Roman and Byzantine emperors, symbolizing power and leadership
Cassius An iconic Roman military leader, politician, and historian of the Roman Republic
Cato From a Roman statesman known for his integrity and moral righteousness
Commodus This name is derived from a Roman Emperor who fancied himself a reincarnation of Hercules and often fought in the arena as a gladiator
Crixus Inspired by a Gallic gladiator and military leader in the Third Servile War
Draco A name that means 'dragon' in Latin, signifying power and fearlessness
Gannicus A Celtic gladiator who played a prominent role in the slave uprising against the Roman Republic
Hercules After the Roman adaptation of the Greek demigod Heracles, known for his strength and numerous far-ranging adventures
Icarus Borrowed from Greek mythology, signifying daring and courage
Leonidas A Spartan king known for his heroic stand against the Persian army
Mars The Roman god of war, signifying bravery and fierceness
Maximus The Latin term for 'greatest' was often used to denote powerful gladiators
Nero A Roman Emperor known for his tyranny, signifying strength and command
Orion Named after a giant huntsman in Greek mythology, symbolizing strength and agility
Otho From a Roman Emperor who was known for his brief and tumultuous reign
Phoenix A mythical bird that symbolizes rebirth and resilience
Spartacus This name comes from a gladiator who led a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic
Tiberius A Roman Emperor noted for his military achievements and authoritarian rule
Titus A Roman Emperor renowned for his military triumphs
Vitus A Christian saint and martyr, symbolizing faith and fortitude

Greek Philosophers Names

The 2nd century was a time of great philosophers in Greece. Their names would give dogs a sense of wisdom and knowledge.
Name Description
Anaximander Named after the early Greek philosopher who postulated the concept of Apeiron
Antisthenes This name is inspired by the founder of Cynic philosophy
Archimedes Named after the ancient Greek mathematician and inventor
Aristotle The moniker comes from a revered philosopher of ancient Greece, who tutored Alexander the Great
Democritus Reflects the name of the ancient philosopher famous for his atomic theory of the universe
Diogenes Named after the Greek philosopher who founded Cynicism
Empedocles The moniker is inspired by the philosopher-scientist known for his theory of the four classical elements
Epicurus The name is drawn from the Greek philosopher who established the school of philosophy known as Epicureanism
Eratosthenes The name comes from the Greek mathematician who measured the Earth's circumference
Euclid This name mirrors that of the Greek mathematician, often referred to as the founder of geometry
Eudoxus Named after the Greek astronomer and mathematician who contributed to the theory of proportion
Gorgias The name originates from the Sophist, rhetorician, and philosopher
Heraclitus The source of this name is a pre-Socratic philosopher known for his doctrine of change being central to the universe
Hipparchus The moniker is inspired by the Greek astronomer, geographer, and mathematician
Hippocrates Named after the ancient Greek physician, often referred to as the father of medicine
Hypatia This name is inspired by the female philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician from Alexandria
Parmenides Reflects the name of the philosopher who is known for his doctrine that reality is unchanging
Plato This name mirrors that of the famous Greek philosopher who was a student of Socrates
Protagoras This is the name of the ancient Greek philosopher known as the first and greatest of the Sophists
Ptolemy The name is borrowed from the Greek mathematician, astronomer, and geographer
Pythagoras Named after the ancient Greek thinker known for his theorem in geometry
Socrates The dog shares a name with the seminal Greek philosopher known for his contributions to ethics
Thales Named after the founder of natural philosophy in ancient Greece
Xenophon Derived from the name of a Greek philosopher, historian, and soldier
Zeno This comes from the founder of the Stoic school of philosophy

Roman Emperor Names

Many emperors ruled during the 2nd century, and their names could serve as unique and historical dog names.
Name Description
Antoninus Emperor Antoninus Pius was known for his peaceful reign
Aurelian Aurelian is credited with ending the Crisis of the Third Century
Caracalla Caracalla is known for granting Roman citizenship to all free men in the Empire
Carus Carus was a distinguished military leader who died under mysterious circumstances
Claudius Claudius II was known for his victories against the Goths
Commodus Commodus' eccentric rule was depicted in the movie Gladiator
Decius Decius initiated the first empire-wide persecution of Christians
Elagabalus Elagabalus's rule was marked by eccentric and decadent behavior
Gallienus Gallienus is considered the founder of the Middle Roman Empire
Gallus Gallus was known for his harsh rule and tragic end
Geta Emperor Geta's rule was overshadowed by his elder brother Caracalla
Gordian A nod to Gordian III, the youngest man to assume the throne
Hadrian Named after Emperor Hadrian who built Hadrian's Wall in Britannia
Lucius An ode to Lucius Verus, co-emperor with Marcus Aurelius
Macrinus Macrinus was the first emperor who was neither a senator nor of senatorial family
Marcus In memory of Marcus Aurelius, a philosopher king and a symbol of wisdom
Maximinus Maximinus Thrax was the first barracks-emperor of Rome
Philip Philip the Arab was the first emperor from the Arabian Peninsula
Probus Probus was known for his successful military campaigns
Quintillus Quintillus's rule was brief but honorable
Septimius A tribute to Septimius Severus, founder of the Severan dynasty
Severus This name pays homage to Severus Alexander, known for his attempts to foster religious unity
Tacitus Tacitus was known for his attempts to restore the Senate's authority
Trajan A homage to Emperor Trajan, known for his public building programs and military campaigns
Valerian Valerian was the first emperor to be captured by an enemy force
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