Dog Names By City >> Ho Chi Minh City Dog Names

Ho Chi Minh City Dog Names

Updated: June 21, 2024

Welcome to the vibrant and culturally rich world of Vietnamese canine appellations inspired by the bustling metropolis, better known as the heart of Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City. This dynamic city, steeped in history and tradition, provides a vast array of unique and inspiring options for your new furry friend's moniker.

Our compilation draws from various aspects of the city, from its bustling streets and iconic landmarks to its delectable cuisine and celebrated figures. These names not only add a unique touch but also carry a piece of Vietnamese culture and heritage. Whether you have a Vietnamese breed, or you simply appreciate the rich culture and history, these names are perfect to bestow a unique identity to your beloved pet.

So, join us as we explore this carefully curated list of names, each carrying a bit of Ho Chi Minh City's charm and vibrancy. You may just find that perfect name that resonates with your pup's personality and your admiration for this beautiful city.

Name Reason to Choose
An An means 'peace' in Vietnamese, a fitting name for a peaceful, gentle dog
Anh Anh means 'hero' in Vietnamese, a fitting name for a brave and loyal dog
Annam Annam is a historical name for Central Vietnam, reflecting the country's history
Bach This name means 'white', suitable for a dog with a white coat
Bamboo Bamboo is a common plant in Vietnam and represents strength and durability
Banh Banh is a term for bread or cake in Vietnamese cuisine and could be a sweet name for a dog
Bao This name means 'precious gem' in Vietnamese, suitable for a valuable, cherished pet
Bia Bia is beer in Vietnamese, symbolizing the country's popular beverages
Binh This name means 'peaceful', a great name for a tranquil, quiet breed
Buddha Buddhism is the main religion in Vietnam, symbolizing peace and spirituality
Cam Cam translates to 'orange', making it a suitable name for an orange-furred dog
Chau Chau translates to 'pearl' in Vietnamese, symbolizing a precious pet
Chien This name translates to 'fight' in Vietnamese, which might suit a strong, protective dog
Chili Chilies are common in Vietnamese cuisine, representing spice and heat
Chinh Chinh translates to 'righteous', perfect for a well-behaved, obedient dog
Cung Cung translates to 'palace', perfect for a regal, majestic breed
Cuong Cuong translates to 'strong' in Vietnamese, perfect for a robust, powerful dog
Cyclo Cyclos are a common form of transport in Vietnam, symbolizing the country's street life
Dai In Vietnamese, it means 'great', perfect for a large breed dog
Dalat Named after a city in Vietnam, representing the country's diverse geography
Doan Doan means 'loyal', suitable for a devoted pet
Dong Dong is the currency of Vietnam, showcasing the country's economy
Dragon Dragons are a common mythical creature in Vietnamese culture, symbolizing power and luck
Duc This name means 'virtuous', fitting for a well-behaved, obedient dog
Dung This name means 'brave', suitable for a courageous, fearless breed
Duyen This name means 'graceful', which is perfect for an elegant dog
Elephant Elephants are a significant animal in Vietnamese culture, representing the country's wildlife
Em A sweet, simple name, Em translates to 'baby' in Vietnamese
Giai Giai translates to 'prize', perfect for a champion dog
Giang Giang means 'river', suitable for a dog that loves water
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Vietnamese Mythology

This subcategory includes names inspired by Vietnamese myths and legends, which could give your dog a name with a great story behind it.
Name Description
Binh Binh denotes peace, a concept that's greatly valued in Vietnamese culture and mythology
Cuong Cuong represents strength, a quality often found in Vietnamese mythical heroes
Duc Duc stands for virtue, a trait highly revered in Vietnamese mythology
Giang Giang symbolizes river, a common setting in many Vietnamese legends
Hoa Hoa represents the mystical phoenix, an important creature in many Vietnamese legends
Huong Huong represents fragrance, often associated with mythical flowers in Vietnamese lore
Huyen Huyen stands for mystery, a key aspect of many Vietnamese mythical tales
Kien Kien represents perseverance, a trait often found in characters of Vietnamese myths
Lac Lac is a mythical bird of Vietnamese folklore
Lam Lam stands for forest, a frequent backdrop in Vietnamese mythology
Linh Linh is symbolic of spirits, a common theme in Vietnamese folklore
Long Long is the Vietnamese word for Dragon, a significant figure in Vietnamese mythology
Mai Mai signifies apricot blossom, a flower with symbolic meaning in Vietnamese culture and myths
Minh Minh denotes brightness, shedding light on the shadowy aspects of Vietnamese mythology
Ngoc Ngoc signifies jade, a stone considered sacred in Vietnamese mythology
Phong Phong symbolizes wind, a force often personified in Vietnamese mythology
Quy Quy represents a mythical turtle in Vietnamese folklore
Su Su symbolizes longevity, a quality often sought in Vietnamese mythology
Than Than symbolizes spirits, a prevalent theme in Vietnamese folklore
Thao Thao signifies grass, often associated with mythical landscapes in Vietnamese lore
Thu In Vietnamese myths, Thu stands for autumn, a season associated with harvest and abundance
Thuan Thuan is symbolic of the mythical turtle who helped King Le Loi defeat the Chinese
Tinh Tinh stands for love, a powerful force in many Vietnamese legends
Trang Trang stands for moon, a celestial body with a significant role in Vietnamese myths
Vinh Vinh signifies glory, a desired outcome for many heroes in Vietnamese legends

Famous Vietnamese People

This could include names inspired by famous people from Ho Chi Minh City or the rest of Vietnam, such as politicians, artists, or athletes.
Name Description
Binh Named for Nguyen Van Binh, a Vietnamese general
Dung A nod to Hoang Van Dung, a Vietnamese footballer
Hanh To honor Pham Tuan Hahn, a Vietnamese poet
Hieu A tribute to Hieu Van Le, a Vietnamese-Australian governor
Khoa A nod to Nguyen Manh Khoa, a Vietnamese footballer
Kieu An ode to Kieu Chinh, a renowned Vietnamese-American actress
Lam To honor Lam Nhat Tien, a Vietnamese singer
Lan A tribute to Lan Khue, a Vietnamese model
LeLoi After Le Loi, a Vietnamese emperor
Lien After Pham Thanh Lien, a Vietnamese painter
Nghia To recognize Nguyen Nghia, a Vietnamese writer
Nguyen Paying respect to Nguyen Du, a Vietnamese poet
Pham In honor of Pham Ngu Lao, a historical Vietnamese general
Phuc For Nguyen Xuan Phuc, a Vietnamese politician
Phuong In honor of Ly Phuong Thanh, a Vietnamese actress
Quang For Le Quang Liem, a Vietnamese chess grandmaster
Thao Celebrating Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, a Vietnamese businesswoman
Thuan In memory of Buu Chanh, a Vietnamese religious leader
Thuy Inspired by Thuy Trang, a famous Vietnamese-American actress
Tran In memory of Tran Dai Quang, a Vietnamese politician
Trinh Named after Trinh Cong Son, a noted Vietnamese musician and songwriter
Trong A tribute to Nguyen Phu Trong, a Vietnamese politician
Tuan Named for Tuan Anh, a Vietnamese footballer
Vincent Because of Vincent Le, a successful Vietnamese entrepreneur
Vu Paying respect to Vu Trong Phung, a Vietnamese writer

Vietnamese Words

Using common or meaningful Vietnamese words could be a great way to give your dog a name with a deep, personal meaning.
Name Description
Anh This word means 'bright', a fitting name for a dog with a shiny coat or cheerful personality
Bac This Vietnamese word for 'silver' could be an appealing name for a grey-coated dog
Banh Inspired by a popular type of Vietnamese bread, it could be a suitable name for a golden-colored dog
Cafe Vietnam is known for its coffee. This name could suit a dark-coated dog
Cam This word means 'orange', a bright and cheerful name for a playful dog
Chao This word means 'hello', making it a friendly name for a sociable dog
Cu Meaning 'old', this could be a humorous name for a young puppy
Dao This name, meaning 'peach', would be a sweet name for a reddish-colored dog
Goi This is a type of Vietnamese salad, ideal for a refreshing, lively dog
Hanoi The name of Vietnam's capital city, it implies elegance and prestige
Hoa This name, translating to 'flower', would be a lovely choice for a beautiful, sweet-natured dog
Lac This means 'lost' in Vietnamese, an ironic name for a dog that always sticks by your side
Lan This word means 'orchid', a beautiful name for a graceful dog
Mai A Vietnamese word for 'future', it would be a unique name for a puppy
Ngon This word signifies 'delicious', a quirky name for a dog that loves food
Nuoc Meaning 'water', this name could fit a dog that loves swimming or has a calm temperament
Pho This name is derived from the famous Vietnamese noodle soup, symbolizing warmth and comfort
Quan Meaning 'army', this could be a strong, powerful name for a guard dog
Rau This word translates to 'vegetables' in English, perfect for a lively, energetic dog
Saigon A historical name of Ho Chi Minh City, it would make a distinctive name for a dog
Sua This name means 'milk' in Vietnamese, a cute name for a small, white dog
Trang This word means 'white', ideal for a dog with a white coat
Tu This name means 'book', great for a smart, intelligent dog
Vang This means 'gold' in Vietnamese, suitable for a golden or yellow-coated dog
Xe This Vietnamese word that means 'vehicle' could be a playful name for a fast-moving dog

City Landmarks

This subcategory includes names inspired by famous landmarks in Ho Chi Minh City, such as Saigon or Reunification
Name Description
BenThanh A nod to the famous Ben Thanh Market
BinhTay Inspired by the Binh Tay Market, in the heart of the city
Bitexco The Bitexco Financial Tower is a significant Ho Chi Minh City landmark
BuiVien Named after Bui Vien Street, a popular nightlife area
Cathedral This name is inspired by the Saigon Notre-Dame Cathedral
CityHall This name is inspired by the City Hall, a French colonial building
Independence The Independence Palace is a historic landmark
Mekong The Mekong River is an iconic geographical feature
Museum A nod to the many museums in Ho Chi Minh City
NotreDame For the Saigon Notre-Dame Basilica, one of the most famous churches in Vietnam
Pagoda A tribute to the many pagodas in the city
PhamNgu For Pham Ngu Lao Street, a popular backpacker area
PhuocHai Named after the Phuoc Hai Temple, a famous city temple
Reunification The Reunification Palace is a notable location within the city
Rex For the Rex Hotel, a famous building in the city
Saigon This is the former name of Ho Chi Minh City and a significant landmark in its own right
SaigonOpera Named after the Saigon Opera House, a symbol of French colonial architecture
SaigonPost For the Saigon Central Post Office, a famous tourist spot
SaigonRiver The Saigon River is a key feature of the city
SaigonSquare Named after the popular shopping location
SaigonZoo The Saigon Zoo and Botanical Gardens is one of the oldest zoos in the world
Starlight For the Starlight Bridge, a popular tourist attraction
TaoDanh In tribute to Tao Dan Park, a well-known park in the city
ThienHau For the Thien Hau Temple, a popular Buddhist temple
WarRemnants Named after the War Remnants Museum, a major tourist attraction

Vietnamese Food

Ho Chi Minh City is known for its food culture. Naming your dog after a favorite Vietnamese dish could be a fun and unique way to acknowledge this.
Name Description
Banh A tribute to the wide variety of Vietnamese cakes and bread
Bia For beer-loving dog owners, Vietnamese style
Bo For the love of beef in Vietnamese dishes
Bun This name comes from a type of Vietnamese noodle
Ca This name comes from the Vietnamese word for fish
Cafe For the love of Vietnamese coffee
Canh A shout out to Vietnamese soups
Cha For the love of Vietnamese sausage
Chao A nod to Vietnamese rice porridge
Dua A shout out to the use of coconut in Vietnamese dishes
Ga In honor of chicken, a staple in Vietnamese cuisine
Gao Taking inspiration from the Vietnamese word for rice
Goi Named after the refreshing Vietnamese salads
Mi Inspired by the Vietnamese word for wheat noodles
Mui A nod to the Vietnamese word for flavor
NEM Named after the famous Vietnamese spring rolls
Nuoc A tribute to the importance of water, or 'nuoc', in Vietnamese cooking
Pho In honor of Vietnam's most famous noodle soup
Rau Inspired by the Vietnamese word for vegetables
Sua Inspired by the Vietnamese word for milk
Thit Named after the Vietnamese word for meat
Tieu Named after Vietnamese pepper, a key spice
Tofu Inspired by the vegetarian options in Vietnamese cuisine
Trung A tribute to eggs in Vietnamese cuisine
Xoi A tribute to Vietnamese sticky rice
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